
She is ready for the prom!

So I worked on that lovely chaise lounge over the weekend and I am proud to say....She is done, and quite sexy at that! She turned out better that I imagined. I guess it was just so traumatizing to look at before that who new she could be soo great! This little number is for sale too. I just have no room for her and my "sweat shop" is starting to fill up.

Here is your gentle reminder of what she was....(orange marmalade flower parade)

i love how the glow of my heat lamp just illuminates the orangeness that she is. Lol!

now the best part....The after!

Love love LOVE IT!!!

if anyone is looking for a comfy little number she is for sale for $350

i have also left a link to my little family blog so you can see what the rest of the crazy bunch is up too, plus lets face it, it easier that way...


Sneak Peek!

Remember how I told you about what I was up to? and the lovely gems I purchased....Well here they are!! Up first, my "Cocain" chair. I stripped her down, cleaned, sanded and painted her a bright and clean white. My fabric choice is a bright pink and white polkadot. I wanted to have a little fun. I almost have her completely finished.... this pic is just her bare bones.

Next up...the lovely chaise "Orange Marmalade Flower Parade". Let the picture speak for itself...

I got a neutral denim-like fabric to cover the body, but the piping will be lighter, to show off the "lines" of this beauty!! I toned down my fabric choice on this little number because it is gonna be for sale. My fabric is washed and cut, now I just need to get my butt down to the sweat shop to finish her up. I am hoping I can get her done over the weekend...we shall see.

And finally.....the couch. i got this one for $30!!! i just love the shape and wood on the couch. I am gonna have to strip it down to the frame and start from scratch. She has been "loved" to say the least. The mystery stains on the velour just adds to the classiness of the piece..lol. i am thinking grey for the fabric, white for the wood with white buttons for the tufting. She is gonna be a labor or love, and a lot of swear words!


In the works

So I have a little "down time" if thats what you want to call it, while I am waiting for a few clients to pick out fabric. I have a few projects that I have kept on the back burner for just the occasion! My mom is the Retail Manager/Buyer for Thanksgiving Point's Emporium and she goes to all the fun markets. On her recent trip to Dallas she picked up some super cute plain shirts for toddlers. Forgive the phone pics...and the insulation!

So obviously they came from china but i have to laugh because these shirts are 2 different sizes, 3 months and 6 months. My 21 month old daughter can fit in the 3 month shirt with no problem! I guess she only weighs 22 lbs soaking wet, but still. So once I finish up all of these, they will go up in my esty shop. I will keep ya posted!

I picked up an horrid, HORRID chair at Savers a while back. This thing was so nasty that I was afraid to touch it. Is just a club chair but it has mucho potential!!! Did I mention it may or may not have a gram of cocaine lingering on the wood frame??? I mean, who really knows what that white powdery substance is, but......I am just saying!!! I have not quit decided how to refinish it. I am thinking bold and bright. I am waiting for the right fabric to hit me in the face!

A lovely chaise lounge. When I say lovely, I am talking about orange marmalade flower parade! She is goona be either a complete gut job or a fancy cover. I am not goona lie. I have just seen pictures of it, but my husband is picking her up today and I cant wait to see what she's got to offer!

Oh, how could I forget about this one...I have had a quilt sitting in my sweat shop that I put together LAST October and tonight, yes, tonight I think it will be finished. My awesome and great friend Carrie has a quilting machine, we call her "Camille" . My neglected quilt will finally get some TLC from Camille. I just hope she is gentle!!


The Elusive Wing Back Chair

So naturally I ordered too much fabric for my couch....Better safe than sorry! I was itching to start a new project. I thought to myself, lets do a chair. Nay, a wing back chair! I found myself thee most hideous chair I could find. I believe I spent a whopping $25 the the nasty thing. I painted her legs and slip covered her up with my remaining fabric and wouldn't you know it. She was a pretty little thing after all! Oh, I forgot to mention... Wing back chairs are a real pain in the @$$!!! Why do I chooses the hardest things to start on...A monster sectional and now a wing back chair...I don't think I will ever learn!



**Again...sorry for the phone photos...


Blood, Sweat, Tears and a few swear words....

So this is how it happened....My kids, bless their little hearts...just beat the dickens out of our sectional. SUre it had the stain guard, but over time spots kept showing up. Now, if you know me you would know that I am a bit of a clean freak... That being said, I could not take it any more! Sure to a normal person this couch was in great condition, but to me, every little spot killed me every time I looked at it. I decided it was time for a change. I contacted a girl that made a few slip covers for my mom a while back to see what it would cost me to get the monster recovered. Turns out, we are related, by marriage.. My father-in-law and her mom are cousins! Back to my story...It was gonna cost me just as much to replace the couch by the time I factored in fabric!

My little heart sunk! I loved the "comfy-ness" of the couch, it just needed a facelift. I couldn't leave well-enough alone. I went to my moms, inspected her couches and was of running. Keep in mind, my couch was a FIRST!!! I measured, measured and measured again. I hunted out the fabric I wanted and waited for it to arrive. Then it came... all 28 yards! I spent many a night in the depths of my basement with my space heater ( a gift form the Mr.) and my trusty companion Bubba the dog by my side. it took me 4 weeks on and off to complete the beast. I would get in the occasional fight with the sewing machine and serger and have to take a few day to cool off. But hey, thats expected, right??? It was truly a labor of love and after it was done it was awesome!!! Sure my fabric choice may be a little "loud" for most, but thats why I love it soo much!



sorry for the photo quality...these were taken with my phone....and yes, I vacuumed myself out of the room cause I am wierd like that!

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