
Is simple better??

Yes, I realize it is 12:30 in the a.m, but I find myself asking the question, "Is simple. better?" I am working on my next project. An awesome couch with great lines, which, in my mind I think deserves some equally awesome and great fabric. When ever I do a project to sell, I should think neutral color and patterns, right??? No! I am finding that I always think of myself, my life and who may be buying this. I say this because I have 2 little kids that have been known to get dirty fingers, faces and feet all over my furniture and I have found that pattern and color are great friends to that dirty combo...They hide ALL that! I know designers tell you to go with more neutral colors and pop the color and prints in the pillows. I really try hard to stick to that, and I do occasionally, but I always find myself going to obnoxious colors and patterns. Sure I feel great when I buy the fabric then have my doubts when I am constructing it. I have a moments of panic, but I always love how they turn out in the end. If you are gonna REUPHOLSTER something, then sure, go for the safer choice, since it is attached to your furniture, but with slipcovers I think they allow you to have more fun. I guess I am braver than most, or just don't care what other people think as long as it makes me happy, but deep down inside I think people really want to go with the bolder color or prints but are scared to take that leap. Why slipcover your furniture to look like something you can find at R.C. Willeys (I am not knocking them, our sectional came from there) or like your neighbors couch when you could have the couch that everyone loves and wish they could have!

I guess what I am rambling on about is, I, personally DON'T think simple is better. I love to take risks and I love it when they pay off. Especially when someone loves what I have created even more than me. So my goal for my fellow readers is to be brave!! Have some fun!! its just fabric....and it can be changed!!!


I was featured!

So Jen, a darling friend I made has featured me on her blog this week! She does all things vinyl and has a fun blog. She has recruited me to give her family room furniture a face lift as well as her dining room chairs. She is currently on the hunt for that perfect fabric but in the mean time found some super fun shower curtains at Target, and made curtains out of them! I love the print and they turned out great. Its amazing what you can find when your on the hunt! Go check out her blog!
Easy Peasy Chic">

Oh...I picked up another couch this weekend, she is bright blue and covered in flowers! Soo excited for this one!!!! Stay tuned for the fabric choice to slipcover it in.


Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

So I promise I am alive. I have been soo busy and I have let my project pics stack up and up and up. So, here is what I have been up too. A month or two ago I was commissioned to make 18 bags for the UVU dance team. They were going to Nationals and one of the mom's (my little brother's soon-to-be mother-in-law) bribed me by buying me a ticket to Florida to watch if I made all the girls matching bags. How could I pass that up? So I slaved away for a week or so measuring, cutting, turning, blah, blah, blah and ta-da...they loved them! and I did not mind Florida in April....

Remember the "cocaine" chair I picked up at savers....well, here she is! I loved how it turned out. Its amazing what a little sanding, priming and new, FUN fabric can do!
Before rehab...

I realize i never took a picture of the fabric, but it was soo bad I could not wait to get it stripped! Just think of one of Zack Morris's Sweaters from Saved by the Bell.....it was bad!!!
After rehab....

Not too shabby!
Next up.... My favorite Aunt Jo's chair, slash cat scratching post... I know you are probably sick of seeing the brown and cream damask fabric I used on my sectional but hey, people love it and got to give the people what they want!
Before the cat had its way with it.


Alright, here is a good one. This chair came from a client who loved the chair, it was a good friend for years, but has seen much better days... The "attached" cushion on the ottoman was cut off the frame and left to sit. It stayed in the attic for a spell, but after a few years in the dark, she brought it in for some love. I stripped it down to the bones, cleaned it up, slapped a fresh coat or two of paint on it and gave it new life. She chose this blue and gold fabric. The blue runs one way while the gold is weaved in the other. It turned out amazing!!! No more dark attics for this little number!
Life in the dark before....

After....It brings a smile to my face every time I look at it! Before the wood was a blonde stain with white glaze but I ended up painting it an almond shade that I think goes well with the fabric.

And last, but no least...a few birthday gifts I made for friends and family a while back. I never know what to give people that have everything (mom and grandma...) for birthdays so I figured, why not a pillow? I love pillows! They can dress up any room with fun colors and textures. So that is just what I did. I made pillows for my cute friend Jill and my mom and grandma.

I know the first one looks a little funky but it was made out of burlap... and that crap is tuff to work with!!! No worries, grandma loved it!!

So there you have it, all caught up. Oh did I mention that you should NEVER fly when you have a sinus infection....Boo!! Bad choice on my part. It took me 2 days to get my hear ing back because my ears could not pop!! Soo miserable!!! But worth every second to be in 85 degree weather with NO children!

Now, one to conquer this gem....

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