
Button. Button. Who's Got The Button....

Remember this lovely POS????

When I brought this nasty couch home in February I knew just what I was gonna do do it.... It sat and sat in the basement and in May (I think it was May, its been way to long...) I finally got around to stripping it to this point: **side note: don't the cushions kind of look like butt cracks??...they are fugly for sure!!

All i can say is there should be a law that says you HAVE to clean out the dark crevasses of your couch at least 2 times a year!! I stripped this sucker down with a mask and thick gloves and it was SCARY!! Any who, when I got back from Family Mania last week I went to town on it. I was sick of it staring at me in the dungeon every time I went down there! Plus, my brother's wedding is in 13 days and they are using it for display, so ya, i had to get my butt in gear! Well 56 buttons later here it is, my back may be a "little" sore from the awkward positions i had to be in to get it done, but man oh man do I LOVE how it turned out! I painted all the exposed wood with a white lacquer finish and reupholstered it with i really soft/light grey linen with white buttons for a pop. I sewed the 3 existing cushions together to make one big long cushion and wrapped it in batting to even it out. Please forgive the weird lighting, I will post more pics of it after the wedding...

This lovely little number will be available for sale after Aug 13th. Text or email me with any questions! and stay tuned for some fun client before/afters later this week!


Don't forget!!

I am just sending a little reminder while I am enjoying family reunion #2 this week ( yes, back to back reunions...) that the Step Down sale at The Design Company in sat lake is going on thru Aug 15 as well as the fabulous Home Fabrics is have another sale on cotton prints, $3 a yard!! I will be back in the sweat shop Monday morning, so I better enjoy the loveliness of golfing with the family at Wasatch!


Step Down Sale!!!

ATTENTION!!!!! To my 3 very dedicated followers and "Looky Lue's" ( don't be ashamed, I am a fantastic "Looky Lue" as well...)The Design Company will be starting their "Step Down" sale on MONDAY!!!! What this means is fabric will be marked down to $9 yd next week, then $7 yd the following week, then to $5 yd the week after and then to $3 yd. If you have been wanting to get something slipcovered or pillows, drapes, bedding ,etc...this is the chance to score some great fabric for half the cost! If you need help figuring out yardage, text or email me a pic of your piece with dimensions (cushion & pillow dimensions, and the dimensions of the actual piece of furniture). I still have a few spots open in my schedule so don't sit on your duff too long because I did last year and missed out on some good stuff!

On another note... i put together a quilt for my soon to be sisetr-in-law and it just came back from the quilters!! My good friend is an amazing quilter and she did an awesome job on her quilt! I am horrible at quilts!! Sure its just putting pieces of fabric together...or so you would think! there is soo much tedious work and time that goes into those things, so don't look to close....

yes...i am fully aware of the horrible lighting...


Plaid to Fab

This chair came from a gal that contacted me to do some work for her, once she found the right furniture. But until that perfect piece comes along, I did a slipcover for her mom. she wanted to keep the skirt the same so that it would go with her couch. The color scheme is right on from the plaid, but just plain different! She also had a few pillows that need some updating so we threw them in the mix as well. enjoy!


On a different, yet same kind of note...I got my grubby little hands and some FREE furniture that will be slipped and put up for sale! Since the furniture was free I am passing the savings on to you so they will be a great price!! So mull that over and check back in the next few days. I am seeing an "oatmeal" linen in these chairs and couches's future....


Rockin Rocking Chair

This rocking chair belongs to a repeat client of mine. She scored this rocking chair on ksl. This rocking chair is truly one of a kind! She originally wanted to redo it in pink and put it in her daughter's bedroom. But after letting it hang out in the family room for a bit she decided it was way to comfortable to go there. so she decided to paint it up all nice in white and use it in her family room. the wood detail on this chair is awesome!! it totally reminds me of an Aerosmith album cover! Do you see the similarities???

Now for the finished product....

Pure awesomeness is all I can say! I cant tell you how many people have asked me if they could buy this chair from me! Good work Staci!!!


Toothy Grin

This little number belongs to my friend's mom. It is a "hide a bed" couch that they have had sitting in the den for 12 years. She decided to redo her master bedroom and put this couch in it. I think she said they have only used the pull out bed 2 times the entire time they have had it! So here is the before....

Notice the sassy hot pink packing tape holding the bed inside...not to mention this sucker was heavy! (hence the reason for the garage pics...) I ripped the skirt off because she wanted to do a drop skirt with no pleats. She went with an awesome black and greyish houndstooth print trimmed out with a black ticking stripe. I love the combo!!! Her couch made me grin from ear to ear when it was done!!! I think its a night and day difference! I was able to make the slipcover function with the "hide a bed" so if they decided to use it for a third time, they don't have to take it apart.... I still cant believe how great it looks!! I am trying to wipe the smile off my face right now!

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