
Triangle Man, Triangle Man....

Here are a pair of wingback chairs that needed a little update. All I could think about was the song "Triangle man, triangle man" while I was making a pair of slipcovers for my client and you will see why in a minute... I just love a good wingback chair and these particular chairs were awesome to work with. My client had had her fabric for a while and was so happy to finally use it on her chairs in her family room.



Now can you see why that song was stuck in my head? Lol On another note here is my good news.... I am going to be a vendor at Bijou Market! They are having 2 holiday shows this season, the first one will be November 18th and 19th in Provo at The Historic Southworth Hall 116 S Center Street and again on November 26th in Taylorsville at Aspen Landing 6388 South Redwood Road. I will have some really fun chairs that will be slipcovered and ready to find a new home! Come check it out and get a little holiday shopping in too!


Kim's chairs

I dropped off Kim's slipcovers this morning and snapped a few pics of the chairs together.

Stay tuned at the end of the week for another post plus I have some exciting news! No! I am not pregnant. Its holiday related...


Am I seeing double??

So I have been slaving away in the "dungeon" for the past week in a half cranking slipcovers out left and right! It all started last wednesday... I got a call from Kim, a cute gal who had a few chairs she wanted me to look at to see about getting slipcovered. When I arrived at her house she had 6 chairs! A set of 4 chairs and another set of 2. She wanted 2 of the 4 slipcovered in a fabric that she already had. A raised velvet, but she only had 10 yards. So to make it work she decided on using a different cording for the piping. She wanted to hold off on the remaining 2 for the time being. As for the pair of chairs, she decided to do the drop-cloth look. They were going in her bedroom and she loved the way that this chair turned out! So we stuffed my jeep with one of each chair, a bolt of fabric and 1 child... About 4 days later she called and said that she wanted to do the remaining 2 of the 4 chairs in the drop-cloth as well, while I had the chair. So here we are, a week and a half later with 6 slipcovers!

Set of 4 before:

Set of 4 with velvet slipcover after:

Set of 4 with drop-cloth slipcover:

Pair of chairs before:

Pair of chairs after with drop-cloth slipcover:

I hope that all makes sense! Now you know why I feel that I am seeing double...lol! I am delivering them to their home tomorrow so I will snap some pics of them in their proper placings. Now I need to shut my eyes for a while....


Amy's fabulous front room

So Amy and her husband are awesome clients of mine who bought a couch that I slipcovered to sell and ended up having me do 2 matching chairs to go with it. They had just moved into a new home at the time but now after a few months her front room is just about finished. She sent me an email with some pics for all my favorite peps to see! Enjoy!


Hey sorry it's taken me so long to get these pictures to you. I've been waiting for us to have all our pictures and things hanging on the walls. But who knows when that's going to happen:)! Thanks again for all your hard work and talent. I LOVE our furniture. I did a post on my blog about it this morning. You rock. Oh, and sorry I couldn't get a solid picture of the whole room. But you get the idea!


I think it looks awesome!! And I cant get over her floors... Love them!



So my husband was out of town last week, I swear thats when I find myself getting into trouble... It was saturday night, I had not been out of the house ALL day so of course I decided to take the kids to get ice cream after dinner. On our way home I remembered that we needed light bulbs...I swear just about every light in our house just burned out! So I stopped at Lowes. Big mistake. I walked out with 3 6x12 canvas dropth-cloths, oh and my package of lightbulbs. I had the bright idea of slipcovering one of my awesome blue swivel rockers. I had the great ticking stripe fabric I bought a while back that would match perfectly and look great as the piping. I washed and dried them twice using a butt load of fabric softer that very night. Once almost dried I hung them up so they would not get wicked wrinkled. Sunday, while listening to conference I started to go to work. If I sit down while watching conference, I pass out...so yes I did this while conference was on, what??? I decided on a 4" box pleat to give it some flare. I love it! Check it out!


The best part of this was it only cost me $40 in fabric! My husband should be grateful, I have never spent that "little" when I am board! I put it in my son's room and love it, now I think I need to make new curtains.....

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