
Merry Christmas!!!

Yay!! Christmas is only a day and a half away and I am finally ready! I have been super busy trying to finish up half of my clients for the month before Christmas and I think I pulled off a Christmas Miracle! In the last 3 weeks I have slip covered 5 chairs, 1 couch 17 pillows, 1 ottoman and reupholstered a chair and ottoman combo.... Whew. After Christmas I swore I would take it off, but guess what....thats not gonna happen. I have to slipcover a chair and ottoman combo, 4 couch cushions and make baby bedding with coordinating curtain panels, pillows and a bench seat cushion and curtains and pillows for a toddler room. So please pray for me! Now get ready for some before and afters overload...

First up...Debbie. Oh how I love Debbie! We redid her front room in a more country feel, which is extremely appropriate. She live on 12 acres in the country! We also made a ton of pillows, but this is actually half of ehat she had originally. Her husband is happy about that. She used a ton of pillows to cover up the fabric on the sofa. i could not take them all away, that would just be rude... we also covered her ottoman in the family room with drop cloth as well as 4 other pillows. she is planning on stenciling them. Once she finished she will send pics!
Couch before:

couch after:

Here are the chairs we did as well and the rest of her goodies..

Next up is Kathy, she brought me this chair that has been tortured with horrible slipcovers! We chucked them and started from scratch. She chose a green gingham fabric. So much better.
Before: Stripped to the bones...


Third....Carolee. She is in my ward and to be of my favorite people! She had 2 dining chairs that she wanted to get slip covered before her family came to town for Christmas. I was able to squeeze her in last minute. they turned out so stinking cute! she bought a great oatmeal linen to use. First of all, i was in love with the detergent she used, and second, i wanted to keep them for myself...

after: Michelle. Love her! She found a pair of super aweful chairs on ksl. I mean we are talking FUGLY! the upside was they each had some good qualities going for them. they each had an ottoman...and one had super awesome legs! She called me up to get my opinion and before I knew it they were at my house! now one of the sets i had to reupholser. She loved the idea of the button tufting, just not in its current state.... We did a solid white for the body of the chair and ottoman and a fun contrasting fabric for the cushion, buttons and piping. I really did not think i was gonna pull it off before christmas, but alas! It was a christmas miracle! she picked it up yesterday and loved it! I will work on the other chair after christmas, which will have another fun and funky flair to it.


Now that you are up to speed, i am goona enjoy the weekend with my family! Merry Christmas and i hope you were good this year so santa brings you just what you wanted....


Classic Country

So for the past week I have been working with this super darling client that lives in Grantsville. She lives in an awesome farm house on 12 acres. Um... basically my dream! anyways, she wanted a country revamp on a pair of wing back chairs. We discussed colors and patterns and then I drove out to see her with fabric samples in hand. She was able to pick out exactly what she wanted, so i grabbed a chair and got to work. her chairs were never really used so even though they were "old", they were better than new!


She wanted to get rid of the floral pattern, so we did a green and burgundy plaid with a nuetral background and box pleat skirt. I love how they change the look of the chair! I will take a few more pics with the chairs in their proper place. i have to pin fit her couch while i am there and grab a few more pieces from her that she wants done.
I have another chair that i will post later today that i did over the weekend. I am booked solid for this month and part of january but i just cant seem to turn people away if they are ready to go. i guess it's the Christmas spirit or something! I will however NOT be working between Chrsitmas and New Years. So i say....


a suitable suit

My client brought me this chair she found on ksl. it was meant to be slipcoverd from the start. She found this awesome hounds tooth fabric at Hancock's for $4 a yard! Its actually a fabric made for suits, but hey it was super cheap so what did we do?? We made a slipcover out of it for the chair and ottoman. I was a little hesitant at first because the fabric had a different texture and weight compared to an upholstery or even home decor fabric. But holy cow is it soft!! It turned out really nice and quite spiffy if you ask me... i ran a strip of velcro under the chair to keep it in place. all i can say is this is a super tight fit! check it out!


She absolutely loved it! She is now on the hunt for more fabric for other furniture she wants done! Love it.

Here are the pillows that i have left from Bijou...
These are 20"x20" they are $20 and come WITH the pillow forms!

The 2 pillows pictured together are polyfill forms and the other two are down fill forms.
This next one is my favorite!! It is $35. It is 26"x26" and comes with a down fill pillow form.

You can email, text or leave me a comment with your email if yo are interested in any of the pillows!
Also, I still have a few openings this month. i am waiting on a few clients to get their fabric so let me know if you are ready to go!

Side brother's mother-in-law has an awesomr couch and 2 chairs she is selling that would be an awesome project! she got them from the di for her front room but decided not to use them once she got them home. i would take them in a heart beat but lets be honest, where am i gonna put them? I am happy to reupholster them if anyone wants them! I think she paid like $80 for the set!!! They will be amazing!!!

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