
Polka Dots and Stripes

So I am gonna wrap up the last few weeks for ya... I have been working like a crazy person and the next moth is not getting any better! Yay!! but BOO!! And on top of all the craziness, we decided it is time to sell the house! So, between showings, soccer games, school, Relief society duties (yikes) and life, I am squeezing in some work.
First off is Holly. She has a great website and store, Poppy Seed Projects. Wow! Well, she had a rocker with an ottoman that needed some help. She wanted to get this done before they had all the family and friends over for her baby's blessing. Which, I can't blame her!

Nothing special right? Well not anymore! Its gonna be the star of the nursery, baby aside... She wanted to do a brown and white combo, but how? This is how! BAM!

So great right?! I grabbed some off white fabric that matched the polka dots and made the piping out of it. If this does not pop for you, you should probably get your eyes checked...

Are you ready for some stripes???

So my next client actually found me from Better After. She features a couch a I did a while back and my client just loved it! And lucky for her, we live in the same state! She has actually been super patient with me...She contacted me a few months back but I was busy trying to get stuff finished up for clients during the holidays. So we put her on the schedule for March. She came across this super rad settee on ksl for $15!! Now some people may not love ksl classifieds, which is fine, but man, the treasures people sell is great, even better when its for pennies!! My client already had her fabric and when she dropped off the couch I was in heaven.


Once I got all the fabric stripped off, the transformation began. First off, painting. She wanted the frame white, which I am a huge sucker for! She decided that she did not want to keep the button tufting, which was a good idea. Her fabric was a really wide stripe and it would throw the lines way off. So I had to fill all the holes and then smooth that sucker out. I got a new toy in the mail that made this project a million times better! My sweet husband, bless his heart bought me a staple gun a while back. While it worked great, it just was hard to use and I could never get it to maneuver how I needed it and it was almost, dare I say.. too powerful. So I finally bought myself a Fasco staple gun that freakin ROCKS!! She defiantly will be staying in tool belt... So after many hours of striping, painting and reupholstering, I give you the stripes!

I Love it!! She chose an outdoor fabric which is great, if it gets spilled on, it won't stain or set in but rather just bead up and roll right off. I can't wait till she she's it.! It funny because the polka dot and stripe fabric in this post are from the same company and are the same colors.

So whats next you ask... Well, I am in the middle of working on a sectional that needs to be done by the 7th of April! (she called me last week in a panic) She wanted to have it done in time for her daughters baptism, and more importantly, to stick it to her mother in law!! LOL! So of course I was up for the challenge! I also have to redo 8 chairs for a country club. And to top out the month, a couch and a few chairs from some new clients. Please pray for my sanity, and my family.... So if you are wanting anything done, you have to wait till May!! Let me know if you are wanting a spot and I will pencil you in:) I hope this holds you over for another week or so.... peace out peeps!


Rock a bye bye bye!

This client had some glider cushions the were in need up an update. They have definitely been used! It is going to be a gift for her daughter.

I always wonder why manufacturers don't put zippers or velcro on these things....I just know how my babies were....reflux! need I say more. So for my client I made hers with zippers so they could be removed and laundered as needed. Her fabric was awesome! She said her daughter is really into the burlap look, but burlap on the cheeks is not too soft! So this fabric was a great substitute! I must admit, I never really hit Hancocks Fabric, its not on my usual route...But my last few clients have found super great fabric there. I guess I need to pay them visit! anyways, she went with a cotton/rayon blend that has an "oatmeal linen" look to it.

I am really excited to start on my next job. My client brought me the really great couch with awesome character. I am starting it tonight. the transformations is gonna be sweet!! Happy Tuesday!


No more monkeys EATING on the bench!

My client had this bench cushion that she needed a new cover for. She said her kids have just had their way with it. When I asked her if she wants to keep the original fabric, which was NOT removable, she said nay!! So I cut that sucker off and plumped her up with some new batting. She picked up some awesome linen from Hancock Fabrics. Its amazing! I love linen. I don't think you can ever go wrong with it, which is funny because I had another client drop off some cushions earlier in the week for her rocker and what do ya know...she had the very same fabric! anyways.. She said her kids have been missing the bench cushions this week, but she has a litter surprise for them: NO MORE EATING ON THE CUSHION!! I had to laugh! Lucky for her I put a zipper along the back so she cant remove it and wash it incase those monkeys sneak a treat...


I had another client drop off a couch today that will be a super fun project! I can't wait to show the results next week!


She flew the coop!

Can I first of all just tell you now much I love this client of mine! She is soo sweet! When she contacted me she was trying to decide whether she should slipcover her chair or just get a new one. Well guess what...we slipped it! It was away with the "chicken coop" theme and off to a new and completely different look. I love how the original fabric has a faint, raised chicken wire pattern. Lol!

Now check it out!! The chair and cushion are out a heavy patterned upholstery fabric and then the pipping is out of a nice solid neutral fabric. I have to say, i had a love/hate relationship with this fabric. It was fabulous, don't get me wrong but it was heavy to work with! I managed to get the fit as tight as I could. This type of fabric is heavy nd durable, but there is almost NO give! I may have said a few (a lot) of curse words getting thru this one and yes, I had to talk dirty to my sewing machine to get the job done....But I got it done!

I also did a window seat cushion for her. It was a mere 100" long!! I had to sew a few pieces of foam together to get the right length. She used the piping fabric from the chair for the main fabric and then main fabric from the chair as her piping. All I can say is I'd like to take a nap in that window!!!

and to top it off, we made 2 pillows to tie everything together! It all turned out great!

On a side is a picture of some curtains and baby bedding I did for a client back in January. She texted me pics today. So cute!

Good news! I am almost half way thru my shows on my DVR from last week. Sheesh! But I am happy to report that I am all caught up on MTV The Challenge. Yes, its total trash and I love every second of it!!!



We are back from a week long get-a-way in the sun...Boo!!! I already miss the sun and I can feel my golden tanned skin starting to fade. I best be getting my butt to the tanning beds to maintain it! We had a blast, we swam, golfed and went to Disneyland. My husband got to play at The Madison. He said it was ridiculous!! He has been to the Masters a few times and said it was 10 times better, if thats hard to believe. To even be a member there you have to pee $100 bills! For example, the guy who invented the orange traffic cone (of all things), his daughter has a house there, the lady that sold her chocolate chip recipe to McDonalds has a house there ( Kill me now! I should sell my recipe...) and the producer of all of the Ocean's 11, 12 and 13 have a house there (who played right behind them, but made everyone in his sight disappear so he could play thru...) which is allowed when you bathe in money! He said it was amazing!!! Anyways, back to real life... remember the cushions I did for cute Melissa right before we took off? Well she sent me the before and after pics of her chair. I just did the cushions for the chair and ottoman, she finished up the rest her self! AMAZING!!!


Love It!! She score her fabric from Home Fabrics... she got the coveted oatmeal linen that flies out the door as fast as it comes in. Great job girl!!

I am back to work this week on a chair and a few window seat cushions. I can't wait to show you the fabric my client chose, and other amazing score!!! I still have a few spots open in April, so let me know if you are ready to go!! Holla!

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