
What happens in Vegas may end up in your living room...

I apologize to my 3 readers for the lack of posts. We are in the middle of finishing our basement and I have no "sweat shop" to work in at the moment. Its killing me!! Luckily I have the coolest clients ever who understand. Thank you!!! But i am super excited about getting a new work space once this is all finished.

I am happy to report that all my Christmas decor is up and i am now prepping for my son's 6th birthday on saturday. He is soo excited!

I do have some order of business to discuss...I randomly met this guy who owns UC Liquidators in Orem who wanted to enlist my slipcover skills to redo furniture that comes thru his store! He makes deals with Vegas hotels to get their furniture when they re-do their rooms. Now when i say hotels, i am not talking about the sketchy motel 8 off the strip... i am talking about the Venetian, The Wynn and other big named hotels! And when I say, they swap out furniture, its not one or 2 chairs, its EVERY SINGLE ROOM in the hotel with EVERY piece of furniture in the room!!! In the next while he'll be getting in a ton of great furniture. Here is just a little snippet of what he had when i stopped in. Here is one of the chairs and foot stools that came out of one of the hotels:

You can pick up these babies at $30 a pop!! These chairs would look so great in a new fresh and modern looking slipcover. He also had these cool foot stools:

Pretty cool huh. I think he said these were like $8 or $10! Its all gaudy fabrics that could use an attitude adjustment. But what I am most excited about are these bad boys I snagged for $10!!
I cant wait to rip these apart and make them fabulous!! They came out of an auction house and he's got about 10 more... I am super excited about it because its another source to find furniture to slipcover or redo for cheap!!

Also, my January is just about booked, so let me know if you are wanting to get on my list for February! I am itching to get stitching again!!!



So i am dusting off the blog...I think I have finally recovered from our trip to Hawaii. We had such a great time! We did absolutely nothing and it was marvelous! We basically rotated from beach to pool all week long. We stopped at Akaka Falls and roamed around Hilo for the day to get out of the sun. It was soo much fun and the kids had a blast!! Get ready for a picture overload....

and our reaction to being home...

BOO!!! But thanks to mom and dad for an awesome Christmas Gift! We had a blast!!! Now on to business...

An old friend form high school contacted me a while back and had a couch that needed some help and of course I was game to help! They had this couch that was made for slipcovers, but was "naked" for lack of a better word.. They wanted it to look upholstered, they were not big fans of slipcovers, hence the reason for the "naked" couch, but i knew I could change their minds! I actually had the slipcover finished before we left on our trip but scheduling conflicts made it hard to deliver. But alas, the couch became clothed today and it looks fabulous!!!
Here is the before...

Just a sad mess! They picked a great white upholstery fabric that had great texture> They are gonna love me when something spills on that couch because now they can just remove the slip and have it dry cleaned! We stuck to the clean lines of the couch and omitted the skirt. I love it when a client is happy with the result, even if it was not what they were expecting!! I just love the practicality of a slipcover!!

The fabric was beautiful and super great to work with. I love how it turned out! i have a few more projects left to tackle before my holiday break! In the mean time we are knee deep in finishing the basement! We are mudding, taping, texturing this week and hopefully painting this weekend. And when I say "we", I mean the contractor of course! LOL! we are soo excited! Hopefully i'll have a new and CLEAN studio before Christmas...
Also, I have a few spots open in January so let me know if you want on my list!! And yes, I am aware that I used an excessive amount of exclamation points in this post. I am just happy to be back to the norm, plus we watched Seinfeld last night...

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