
Teach me how to settee

I may have a small love affair with settees... and The Dougie! Or it may be that I am just jamming out to "Teach me how to Dougie" right now as I write this post. Either way... how could you not? Back to settees..They are not as small as a chair, but not quite as big as a love seat. They come in all sorts of fun styles and they dont take much fabric to slipcover... Hence my love for them. A client of mine that I did some work for last year scored this little number at Down East.

It has super clean lines. She did not want a skirt, which was wonderful because she found her fabric on clearance and bought all of it...She had 6 yards. 1 yard short of what we needed. So I dug thru 2 different Joanns' to find a measly 1 yard to match. We needed it for the piping and with the modern line on the settee I could not do with out the piping. They were too cool to ignore! I could not find the exact fabric. Well actually I found the exact fabric in all the WRONG shades! But I did come out a victor. I found a cool herringbone fabric that matched perfect. What do you think?!

The piping gives it just enough contrast to be interesting but not enough to be annoying. The fabric she chose is gonna be super durable, yet it was super light weight and soo soft. Its a good place to take a rest after bustin out the Dougie!! and dont you think I won't! You cant see, but I am doing it now. If the Dougie does not make your body instantly move, something is wrong with you....

One last thought...If you are looking for fabric right now, Joann's home decor fabric is 60% off!!! So Dougie on over and save your self a ton of of $$$. Peace!


Retro Amazingness

I just finished up a pair of some pretty cool retro chairs. I Love this style of chairs! They have great lines that complement so many different types of fabric, color and prints. You really can't go wrong, well unless you slipcover them in the exact same fabric that was originally put on them... Anyways. Here is a picture of the chair before:

Pretty cool, right? Well my client did not want any kind of skirt. Period! So I ripped that sucker of to find that is had some pretty great legs under there...I also popped off all the buttons along the back and arms. (geez..if you did not know any better you'd think I was undressing a woman...quite aggressively, actually. lol!) The tufting was not very deep and they would just be an annoyance. So they had to go! I loved the fabric my client had chosen. So fun, yet it seemed to keep with the "vintage" idea of the chairs. Here is what they look like now!

I really like how they turned out! Such a difference. I always am on the look out for chairs like this. I have a pair of swivel rockers that are BOMB! Maybe I am "old school", its cool, thats how i roll. But your really cant beat how sweet they look and how comfy they are!

I also wanted to share some finds that I got and had re-painted. Cause I aint about to do that one myself! I found a cool 7" dresser on craigs list for my son's new room (I am pretty sure this dresser was once in a room with my client's "retro" chairs) and a fun french dresser on ksl for my daughter's room. I also scored big on a cool chair and table combo a month ago (still figuring out what to do with the chair which I am most positive was in the room with my client's chairs!). The long dresser and table were a dark finish that was great, but boring and the french dresser had a worn buttery yellow finish to it. I had to change them up!! I did the dressers in white because it goes with everything and its easier to change out fabric than repainting when i get board of a color scheme.. and the table i did in a sage-ish green. Why not?? I forgot to snag before pics, so use your imagination.

They turned out better than I could have ever imagined!! Oak's dresser made it to her room and the table found a temporary home, but Laker's dresser is in the garage until I can bribe my brother or one of my husbands friends to help carry the beast down stairs...anyone???

Next up I am working on a fun little settee. Stay tuned! I still have some room in my schedule for February. So.. come on. Get going peeps!

Oh, one last note... UC Liquidators have about 12 of these babies!

The are super comfy and cheap and... you wont need a ton of fabric. So you can choose to save a buck or splurge on fabric. Your choice... Right now they are 2 for $35 but if you tell John I sent you, you may get an even better deal! Your Welcome.


Bright idea!

So I am back in full swing and it feels great! Our basement is about 97% finished. Basically the only thing left to do is to finish tiling the 2 bathrooms, one tub surround and one shower and then have the toilets and fixture put in. So by the end of the month we shall be golden! My sweat shop can maybe now be called studio.. i'll let you know how that turns out. I had had our contractor build me the most perfect cutting table too. Id like to introduce you to "Bertha"! I drew her up on a pice of paper and boom! She came to life.

she is everything a gal could dream of! Excuse the rest of the space, I am still trying to put it all together in my mind. But while we were finishing the basement I decided to keep the floors cement. And paint them... I LOVE IT!!! I did white and light tanish gray stripes and then sealed it to give it a wet look. Here is a pic while in the process..

It turned out better than I could have ever expected! I kept the room a bright white for snapping pictures and to make it seem bigger. Sure I will layer color in but for now its a dream.

I just finished a chaise lounge and a round 96" pleated tablecloth for one of my designer clients. Remember this post? Well I just happen to love my client's client! I hope I can be like her when I get older. Well, she and her husband decided to head for the sun. They sold thier awesome house that was so greatly put together by Brian Clark, who is one of my favorite people ever..and move to sunny Florida to enjoy retirement in the sun. Boo! Anyways he had me make this tablecloth seen here in Ballard Designs

but with no fringe and in this fabric

He also had me make a slipcover for this chaise lounge she had

the fabric choice is awesome! I do love the boldness of this print!

It should feel right at home in Florida! I did not have the piece to fit, just the old slipcover. She had already sent the chaise off to its new home before the fabric arrived so I had to make the slipcover based on the old one. I cant wait to see it on the chaise! So you'll have to take my word for it when I say it gonna be awesome!! I'll post pics once she gets them..

I am working on a pair of chairs this week and they are gonna look great once they are done. I am telling you , fabric choice makes ALL the difference! I am super excited for this new year and what its going to bring. So tune in and see whats to come. I have 1 or 2 spots open in February so contact me if yo are ready to go.

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