
Feeling the burn...

Julie is a dear client of mine. I just love her to bits! I have done some fun stuff for her in the past. Like here and here. Remember?? Well she called me up because a beloved piece of furniture had a run in with the fireplace...dang those grandkids!!! She has a chair and ottoman that she got from RC Willey years ago and just loves it! but you see, here is the problem...

A little too close to the fireplace will do the trick every time!! She had a hard time selecting a fabric to go with the original ottoman. The gals a The Design company paired up some fabric for her and this is what we ended up with!

They paired a great neutral woven fabric with a pop of red. It will go nicely with the chair. I had a little left over fabric and since she was so worried about it going with the chair I made a lumbar pillow cover for her in the reverse fabric of the new slipcover. It should tie everything together perfectly!!

I cant wait to see it up against the chair!

on another note.. I scored a pretty awesome wingback chair with similar lines to this one..

here is the chair I grabbed

and here is what she is gonna be slipcovered in!!!

I can't wait for it to get here! I also ordered some fun fabrics to make some poufs out of for my etsy shop. This chair will be for sale once i finish it up! Let me know if you are interested!


Home and Garden Club

So last thursday I had the amazing opportunity to teach a DIY class on Upholstery and Slipcovering for the Jordan Valley Home and Garden Club. It was a blast!!! I am not gonna lie..about 10 minutes before the class started there were only 3 people. So I though to myself, cool. Its going to be a super hands on class for these 3 ladies> They are gonna get a first hand look at this wether they wanted to or not! Well, I excused myself to use the restroom and get a drink. When I came back into the room i found that there were 50 people seated and ready for me. Yikes!! I promise I was only in the bathroom for a minute! Well there ended up being a few stragglers that trickled in and we ended up with about 60 people! The class went great. What was supposed to only be an hour class lasted just about 2 along with a Q and A after. I really hope I was able to shed some light on what I do and give people the chance to get their hands dirty. Here is the follow up post for the class!

Here is a picture of the little vanity stool I slipcovered for the class.

I actually ended up just reupholstering the body in muslin before creating a new cover for it. Here is the after

Soo Cute!! I actually have 1 more stool that I'll be can choose your own fabric! I also got around to covering an office chair for my mom this weekend. Its been in my garage for a while. Once she found her fabric I got to work! Here is the before


After teaching that class I had quite a few ladies come up and ask if I can teach a class that allows them to do a project form start to finish. So I am gonna put the feelers out to see what the interest is... It would be a slipcover class. You would need to provide a small chair, fabric and all the tools needed to make the slipcover(sewing machine, pins, scissors...). I will be there to help with the process. It would have to be like a 4-6 hr class and cost about $200-$250 per person.. If this is something you may be interested in please shot me an email. If i get enough interest I may just have to do it!! Also, I will be teaching a class in May at Thanksgiving Point on making some super cute pillows! I'll let you know more details as they come!


My "nerds" new rooms

So I finally finished the kids new rooms in the basement! it was a task but they are done! My husband thought I was nuts for painting over our newly painted walls, but hey...I was not sure on a color scheme for each room when were painting the first time. Plus, I dont know what he was complaining about. Its not like he had to paint them.... The kids told me what color rooms they wanted and then I took it from there! I made both headboards, curtains and bedding! I got all my fabrics from Home Fabrics and rug in Orem. I found some pretty awesome stuff! I found their dressers on ksl and had them painted. I did not want to screw that up!! I put a red/pink and cream ticking stripe fabric up on the wall opposite of Oakley's bed. I still need to get a few things up on the walls. But for now, I can relax!

Lakers room

yes, bubs really sleeps at the foot of Lakers bed. He is such a good dog!

Oakley's room

I am getting excited about the class I am teaching thursday night at the Jordan Valley Home and Garden Club! Its going to be a lot of fun and hopefully I can teach them a few new things too.


I am back!

Well.. I am happy to report that we cruised thru the Gulf of Mexico without getting stranded at sea, or at port for that matter...I think I have officially stopped swaying and have regained my land legs! We had such a great time! We went with some good friends that live in Houston. They are cruise connoisseurs! When we got to the ship to get on board we noticed that the crowd getting on was, for lack of a better word.."retirees"! No joke! we were one on maybe 12 couples that looked under the age of 35!! Seriously! Did I mention that there were 3000 passengers... It was a geriatric cruise! I have never seen so many rascals, walkers, wheel chairs and canes in all my life! That being said, it was probably the funnest cruise that we have ever been on! We were the entertainment for the rest of the passengers! No one could really participate in the pool games due to knee and hip replacements! We kept getting asked if we were the dancers in one of the shows. (no joke) All the night clubs were empty because everyone went to bed at 8!

We did have thee BEST dining table! We had a couple from Omaha, one from Houston and another from New York. We had soo much fun with them. Our stops were Honduras, Belize and Cozumel. I think one time to these places was just enough...

Now back to reality! I am super excited to tell you that I am going to be teaching a classs on slipcovers next thursday night for the Jordan Valley Home and Garden Club. Its going to be a lot of fun and I hope that i can shed some light on what I do! The classes are open to its members and membership is FREE!! So go sign up and enjoy some awesome classes all year long!

I am now booking for April! Also, I have some really fun pillows in my etsy shop right now that are perfect for spring! They will add that perfect pop of color to any room!

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