

Remember when we "sold" our house last summer? And then it fell thru 2 days before we got earnest $$ and 2 weeks before closing... Boo! Remember how, when we thought our house was sold we had a huge yard sale and got rid of a ton of stuff we did not want to move? And finally, remember how my good friend talked us in to buying our super comfy and awesome sectional cause, again, we though our house was sold and we did not want to move and store it? Well...here is refresher picture for you to remember what the crap I am talking about.

This wonderful beast of a couch was amazing!! It always caressed you in the perfect spot and it allowed every one to sit and enjoy it! It was simply grand! It also was the first, yes, FIRST thing I ever slipcovered! This, my friends, is where it all started!

This was a huge undertaking for a first slipcover! it took me a month to do and all I had was my Bernina. Eh boy... imagine sewing over a hundred yards of piping...kill me now!!! I had 13 cushions, which I swear, none of them where the same size and the body was in 3 pieces!! Definitely a labor of love. And oh how we loved it!! It was sad to see it go, but I knew it was going to a great home.

Lets fast forward 1 year... Luckily we had some nice couched from Z Gallery that we could use to fill the void in our lives. But they are NOT nearly as comfy as the beast! We end up on the floor half the time. Oh How we miss those down cushions. Tear... We still curse our friends names every time sit on the couch! Anyways... enough of my sob story. My friend called cause she wanted to switch up the body of the couch and add some blue to compliment the blue in the cushions. She bought 22 yards of a really pretty blue gray canvas and put me to work. It was so great to see that our couch was be loved just as much as we loved it! We gave it more of a relaxed fit cause, its a comfy couch!! Her kids play all day on it and it would drive her nuts to have to keep adjusting it all the time. So.. here it is! I love how the blue just lightens thing up and adds that pop of color!

Sorry about the messy pillows! I had them all set up and then got bombarded by 4 kids! But doesn't it look fabulous!!
Things are starting to get crazy around here so if you are wanting something slipcovered, contact me to get on my waiting list!


So fresh and so clean, clean!

My good friend contacted me because she needed some stool covers made for her spa. You may of heard of it.. Amara!! They are pretty much the bees knees. A full service salon plus super chic clothing and accessory store all wrapped up into 1 amazing box! And, right now they have a ton of fun clothes and swimwear. I would have stopped to try on a few things after I dropped everything off, but i had my tiny entourage with me. They cause the wrong kind of damage...lol! Anyways..They needed 10 stools covered for their treatment rooms (they are the NILS stool from IKEA). They had covers on them, but they just were not cutting it. Cloth covers in that atmosphere are hard to keep clean, and who wants to be removing, washing and putting on 10 covers every day??? Um...not me!

Here is one of the stools before...Not bad, but not great. And if you have been to Amara, everything IS GREAT!!! So I grabbed some samples for her to try out. She picked a out a great neutral vinyl that looks like leather but can be wiped off and cleaned easily. I did not do any piping on these stools because of how much wear they will get. Instead I topstitched the seams in white. I think they look super chic now and totally fit in with the rest of the spa!

Here is the after!

I love them!!! Right now I am working on a sectional... so stay tuned!!!


Pleats anyone??

What weighs 30 lbs, is all white and has 25 yards of 4" pleats??? These 2 slipcovers for this sleeper sofa!!! You think i am exaggerating?? No joke people! I have a super awesome client that wanted 2 slipcovers made for her FREE sleeper sofa she got from a family member. Remember cute Lindsay? Well she has had quite an "adventure" for lack of a better word since december. She emailed me wanting these slips made but needed to schedule her drop off around her chemo schedule. Say what??? Chemo? She and her family found out a few day before christmas that she had cancer. BOO!!

This subject hits close to home for me. My mom had the same fight about 5 years ago. I was pregnant with my daughter. I can still remember where I was and the conversation with my mom when she told us. She had breast cancer. Luckily she had a great team of doctors behind her. They treated her cancer super aggressive because even thou they classified it as breast cancer they could not really find the point of origin. I remember sitting at IMC with her during her chemo sessions. Trying not to go into a shock induced labor. All I can say is anyone who has to endure that is AMAZING!!! She had 8 rounds of chemo followed by 6 weeks of radiation. My mom is truly my hero. When she found out about the caner I remember what she said, like it was yesterday... "I don't have time for this!!" She never once had a "poor me" attitude. In fact she continued going to work thru it all!!! She had to go thru all of the treatments, lose her hair, have to take 40 pills a day during treatment, some for the cancer and some to counteract the many side effects of the chemo and still, deal with many other cancer "issues" and now, almost 5 years later still deal with the "aftermath" of cancer. She never once complained! She IS amazing! She has been in remission now for almost 5 years and is doing great!

So when Lindsay said "cancer", I knew what she and her family were in for. But Lindsay reminds me of my mom in a lot of ways. She is a fighter! She doesn't have time for cancer! Life doesn't just stop because you have caner. Heck, she has 5 kids a husband to take care of.. But she does have an awesome support team and that is all that is important! When she showed up to drop off her couch she looked amazing! I just love her! She is amazing and I know she is gonna kick this cancer in the butt!!

To finish off this post here is what Lindsay wanted.. 2 slipcovers for her free couch that will go in the "home teacher's" room! Love it!

She went with a white denim fabric that is super for slipcovers. She ordered and washed 40 yard!! Soo much fabric!! You better believe I used every last inch too! She wanted a box pleat skirt on both...thats 54 box pleats. per slipcover.. these slipcovers turned out great(x's 2)! I made the decking functional so that they did not have to remove the entire slipcover if they ever needed to use the "hide a bed".


So I have been up to my ears in sewing cushions! i have had a few clients need cushions sewn for chairs and couches! i was able to squeak out 8 cushions in the past 2 days.. On top of pinning 2 couches and sewing those 4 cushions. Whew!! So here is the reveal...

The cushions on these 2 chairs were coming apart. The inserts them selves were great. Down filled and comfy!!! but the seams were coming apart. So we made some new ones with a great paisley fabric. before


Ill post a pic after she gets them home and in place.
Here are the other set of cushions I made..My client called because she had recovered her old couches and started the cushions....but thats where is ended.. after all that hard work she ran out of steam, and her husband did not like the combo of fabric she came up for the cushions. Dang those husbands...i dont give mine a choice! I give him options and then ask him his opinion. But i end up always going with mine in the end.. sorry honey!! so here is what she started with..

this is the after ish...

and the cushions after I redid them. She kept them solid instead of the damask on top...
They go great with the pillows she made for them!
I still have a few spots left this month, so get your act and fabric together and hit me up!!!


I love Monday!

Look what came in the mail!!! It's my favorite kind of day! I am finishing up 2 couch Slipcovers today and tomorrow and some random chair cushions and then I can dive into my goodies!!! I bought some fun knit to make maxi skirts for me and Oakley, thats right. we are gonna be twiners!. I also got the fabric for the wingback chair I picked up that will be available for purchase, fabric for some poufs for my esty shop and I totally scored an awesome chaise lounge on ksl over the weekend that all my treasures are laid out on! I can't wait to slip it in a fun print for my "lounge" room!!! I'd say its a great way to start out the week!!

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