
Better after!

I was featured on the Better After blog today! If you don't know what that is you should check it out. Its awesome!! This post was one of my favorite transformations!


Is it legal??

According to fashion police it is totally legal to wear white now. You know.. because it was just Memorial Day.. And dont you worry, i kicked off Memorial Day wearing my crisp white shorts to the golf course! It was my first time out since last year and I must say...i was quite impressed with myself! Even my little redhead was driving the ball off the t! I mean as far as a 4 year old can. What can I say, we are good at the "lesbian" sports. No offense to the lesbians.. And speaking of my little redhead, today she turned 4!! Where has the time gone??? She cracks me up daily.

She is a sassy one and I would not have her any other way!! She was a good sport today and came with me to drop off a slipcover, run a few errands, go to lunch and get a smoothie. She loved spending time with just ME! So fun.

My client had this great couch that was made for slipcovers, but her previous cover was falling apart. When I showed up to pick up her fabric she was not sure about what she ordered...she was going for a white comfy vibe and the fabric that came was a glorified muslin... Lucky for her i have done a million white slipcovers and sent her down to Orem to see the gals at Home Fabrics. They hooked her up with a great white twill fabric that was perfect for the look she was going for! Like I said...It must be Memorial Day!! I swear all I have been doing lately is white! and don't you worry, I have a great little chair in the garage that is about to get a white makeover this weekend... But hey, its a great fabric and white always looks amazing! Here is her couch before:

We kept the lines of the couch the same. I really do love this white fabric! It washes up soo well and is super durable. Great for a house full of kids...because, if it gets dirty, just throw that bad boy in the wash! Plus it lightens up any room..

My client LOVED the results! She was happy she ditched the fabric she originally ordered and went with the white!!


Jealous much???

Um...I am EXTREAMLY jealous of how my cute clients chairs turned out! I secretly hoped she hated them so I could buy them from her... No such luck! Turns out, she loved them as much as I did! My client started with just 1 chair and ottoman. She was hunting for a matching set, a couch and the perfect fabric. Well people.. She struck gold, but not with out a minor set back. You see, she found the exact same chair and ottoman along with the matching couch to her yellow floral chair and ottoman. one problem. it was on ksl. She called up the guy, agreed on a price and figured that was that. Wrong! When she went to pick up the chair, ottoman and couch he told her that he wanted double for all of it. What a D*#@$H (thats my opinion). So she took the chair and ditched the couch. But hey, she got a matching pair and the most amazing fabric ever!! So win win! Here is the "lovely" duo before...

United together at last! Same chairs, different fabric. I am sure all of you have sat on one of these bad boys a few time is your life. heck, you may be sitting on one right now. Sure they are comfy, but lets be honest, the fabric selection with these chairs is sub-par...But, with a little nerd love these babies can be quite spectacular! My client said her home has a more country vibe to it (but not the kind that has furniture upholstered in "farm-scapes".. you know exactly what I am saying here..) but more of a chic country.. Her fabric she pick is by far one of my favorites. hands down!! I don't know what it is about the modern floral but I love them! Especially the ones with bold pops of color. We kept the lines the same with a box skirt and box cushions. I lined the skirt to give it shape and weight. And so it would hang better. Drum roll please....

i am dying over how great they look! The fabric was amazing to work with and is so soft and comfy! I am now trying to think how I can incorporate this into my house...I know I can figure something out..I just love the bold pops of blue and pink. This fabric really has some great colors to pull out of a create a color scheme around. in my opinion..she nailed it!!!


sleepin in style

So I have refused to turn our AC on just yet...all the windows are open to welcome a nice breeze thru the house. No worries, it only reached 85 degrees inside the past couple afternoons... I can hold strong, I know it!! You see, I am an AC snob... I usually keep the house at a comfy 71 in the summer. So delightful! But I figure, if I hold off and get used to having 80's in the house, I'll appreciate a 75-76 degree AC house...right?? Pray for me! and my family.... I fitted my clients LARGE sofa sleeper in my garage, that is west facing.. 2 days ago and I was sweating!! I mean, dripping down my face, change your shirt a few times and then shower sweating!! I survived and boy was it worth it!!

My client wanted a "shabby chic" look for her couch. She bought her white heavy twill fabric form Home Fabrics in orem and a smashing $6.50 a yard! She also wanted to combine the 2 seat and 2 back cushions into 1 long seat and 1 long back cushion so give it that casual look. I sewed them together and then wrapped those suckers in batting to even out the cushion and give it more loft. We did a ruffled skirt to chic it up. She also had me make 2 ruffle pillows to go with the couch out of the same fabric. The results are quite amazing!!! Here is the before...


nothing too exciting! It was definitely used!! But check it out now!!!

umm...pretty great! right??? My sister in law was here when I put it all together and she said this was one of favorites that i have done!! i think she is now looking for a couch to do this to. lol! Its amazing what a difference 1 long single cushion can do to the look of a couch. I am really thinking about doing this to our "not so comfy" couch... I love it!!!

On a side note..I am starting to get really busy! So if you are wanting stuff done contact me to get on my list. Right now i have 1 spot open in June and will be starting to book for July. I have a rock star client that dropped off 2 chairs and ottomans to be slipcovered and i am dying over her fabric!! Here is a little sneak peek...

What you cant see is that this stuff is in my kids old bedroom along with 4 chairs, 2 ottomans and chaise lounge, along with fabric and random cushions... Its a kids dream to have a room full of random furniture to make forts out of... Hey. at least it keeps them busy...right?


I survived my first (out of state) horse show on a my young horse this past weekend!! We managed to pull in a 70.9% on our first ride! (Its a Dressage it.) She was fantastic! You see, I am used to having a young horse that gets anxiety when left, try to climb out of his stall anxiety! I could go on and on about all things I had to go through with my last horse, but we would be here forever... My mare was a champ!! Here is too the start of what I can hope is a great show season!

As for the "coon" update... well..lets just say the problem was "taken care of" while I was away and we shall leave it like that. Thanks for all the comments and advise!

Now on to business! My client had a pair of these little lowrider chairs on casters. I love these kinds of chairs! They are soo comfy and can fit just about anywhere! Plus they have super great lines for slipcovering. When i was fitting these chairs ZZ Top kept running thru my head! "All my friends love a lowrider", plus lets be honest.. How great are their beards??? AMAZING! Anyways...Here is the before pic. I like to call this upholstery "the carpet bag". Doesn't it remind you of Mary Poppins and her magic carpet bag?

I am not gonna lie..I half expected a lamp to come out when I removed the cushions.. She chose to have them slipcovered in a nice neutral stripe fabric that she score on the clearance rack at Home Fabrics for $3 a yard! It had a hint of a rubber backing to it which is great cause it acts like velcro agains the "carpet bag" upholstery. We kept the lines of the chair giving it a modern touch. Love it! It makes me want to sit nice and low in it and cruise slow pass the kitchen and down the hall.

She also had me make a bench cushion for her out of a red tweedish fabric.

I am starting to get super busy so If you are wanting something done hit me up to get on my schedule. Right now I am booked till about the middle of June.


We've got Coons!!!

Soo...our little street on the golf course has a new neighbor.. I am not sure how I feel about it either. Normally I am a huge animal lover, but this little guy really rubs me the wrong way!! here it is.....

you may be thinking to yourself.. aww. its just soo cute! right? Wrong!!! This little guy has been hanging around our street for a few days now. It is NOT scared of dogs or humans! Even worse. a few nights ago my bestie neighbor called to tell me there was a coon. and that she chucked legos at him from the back porch to scare it and it simply picked them up and played with them.

later that night I completely forgot about it and let the dog out to go potty. We have a lab/pit mix. He is the best dog ever! After I let him out he made an appearance... OH SH#@!!! My awesome dog is out with the "critter" and who knows if its aggressive or even worse.. has rabies! He clearly was not scared of me. he walked up on to the porch and picked up bubas' toy, which of all things, is stuffed raccoon...Go figure. Once buba locked on him I panicked! I was yelling "COON COON" to my husband and yelling at buba to stay and get inside! Lucky for me, my dog listened and came in without lunging at it. they were toe to toe! So now its midnight, i am screaming at the dog, screaming at my husband to get the bb gun and the dog is going nuts inside cause he wants a piece of it!

My husband shot at it and could not tell if he got him or not, but he stayed away (for all we know..). Well today, my neighbor across the street called and said, "that coon was in my house!" Her cousins are in the process of moving in for the summer while they are away. they were bringing stuff in the house and that coon followed them right in! they had to trap it in a laundry basket and get it out! Crazy! Now its just hanging around. it has GOT to go!!!!
On an unrelated note... i just finished a chair and ottoman for on of my designer clients' client... you follow? She picked a grey corduroy to give it a more modern look from the original chair. We kept a skirt on it just to cover the more traditional feet. this fabric was awesome but a little tricky to work with. It had a dacron backing to it so it was thick! but al in all it turned out great!

I also made some pillows too!
Well...I am headed out to Grand Junction, CO this morning for a horse show this weekend! I am really excited! I hope the weather stays nice. Every time we have visited this "lovely" place for a show it has either been a raining muddy windy mess or we have a demolition derby and motocross going on. Not a good combo with horses... When I get home I wont have a chance to breath! I have 2 chairs and a couch to tackle...So i am going to enjoy this weekend so I can take on next week.

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