So the Utah Valley Parade of Homes starts today and one of my very good friend's sister-in-laws' house is in it. House #19 by Millhaven. Um...I pretty much want to punch her in the face right now!!! My friend is an amazing photographer. She took pics and posted them on instagram and it made me want to cry!! The house is amazing! and its like 2 minutes from where I live. I cant wait to go and see it. On another note, my husband, along with that same friend's husband and about 8 more of their friends are off on a "boyfriend" trip... at least that is what I call them..
anyways they came up with a name for this "get-together"..
A day, a night and a day. That same friend designed them t-shirts, they commissioned a chef, are staying at an amazing house on Osmond Lane (one of the guys in-laws who are out of town for the moment) and one of the guys flew in from Texas for this... Oh geeze! The first day consists of 36 holes of golf at 2 different courses, followed by a dinner, prepared by the chef. Pool games, ping pong, jam ball, poker other things 30-somthing year old men who act like 12 do when they are all together.. Then they will finish up the "event with another 36 holes of golf. Boo!! All I can say is he better put this much effort in to my 30th birthday as he did for this!!
Now down to the nitty gritty...One of my favorite designer clients surprised me with the info that they were going to be having another baby! They have 2 older kids. What a shock! But they are soo excited. He wanted to get his wife's glider recovered, because remember how wonderful rocker glider fabric is?? And when you are a designer, or have any sense of style you cannot, and mean
CANNOT let that glider stay the same after 10+ years of use! I forgot to take a pic of the before, but this is what I was dealing with...

Look! They even give you a choice of fabric...How lovely is that!! He had a bolt of fabric the he got on a discount because it was "flawed".. People..Buy that stuff up!! Flawed can mean anything to a color that is off from the original to the smallest detail you may not even notice! You really cant go wrong! Plus you can work around those areas if they are that noticeable. He did not want to do just the cushions, he wanted to do the whole chair! And give it a more tailored look. He was thinking box pleats for the skirt and a ties in the back. Well people, this is how it turned out!

Now they can rock this new baby in the right style!!!