
"Jack" of all trades

Remember when "painters drop cloths" were hot?! They're back!!! They are a great alternative to your typical fabric. They are super durable (its made to catch paint for heavens sakes!)and super cheap!! I forgot how much I love working with them, especially when they are freshly washed... Can you smell the clean laundry now??? It makes the fitting process soo much better. I feel like I am in a laundry detergent commercial and I am the guy sniffing the towels... anyways.. Its pretty great.

My client contacted me and had an idea... she asked me if I could slipcover several wing chairs in a durable fabric because she is wanting paint the good ol' Union Jack on the back rest. um...YA!!! She is in the middle of collecting these wing chairs and lucky for her, I had this! (remember how I am a procrastinator with my own stuff...)

So I grabbed some drop cloths, washed them and got to work! I am soo happy that "little blue" found a home!

I absolutely love the shape and size of this wing back chair, hence the reason why I bought it.. Its the perfect size! She did not want a skirt, she wanted a very tailored look so I finished off the bottom with piping. I cant wait to see how it turns out with the Union Jack! She is picking it up today and swapping it out with more. Love it!

I still have 2 spots open in September. Contact me to get on the list!


under construction!!

right now my current blog is "the sewing nerd" Head on over to see what I can do for you! There are tons of before/after, price list and client work on my blog. I am currently working on switching over to this blog address. So keep checking back!


Blue Babe

School is back in session.. who is jumping for joy??? I have to admit... My oldest started 1st grade yesterday and I was a little sad... No more lunch outings with him or seeing him in the early afternoon. Since we moved he now gets to ride the bus. I had nightmares that he would take it to school and then not show up after school.. But I am happy to report, he made it!! Luckily for us we have some really good friends in the neighborhood and our boys can ride the bus together and are in the same class. boom! He had soo much fun at school and I can now rest easy... Oakley... on the other hand started her last year of preschool monday and is already having the boys eating out of her hands... I am scared for her teenage years.. But schedules are forming and I am feeling like things are getting back to normal!

My client had this love seat with cushions that did not originally belong to the you can see in the picture the cushions were not wide enough and just awkward fitting...It did not matter what way you turned them, they just did not want to cooperate! But dont you worry, I beefed them up real nice so they fit snug as a bug in a rug!

This couch is going in my client's master bedroom and she wanted it to have a beachy feel to it. She bought a blue twill fabric that had some good stretch.  She did not want a skirt, she wanted it to be very tailored looking.  I had to wrap the cushions in batting to get the size right. In the end the couch turned out great! Big blue babe! 

She mentioned on her way out that she was going to make pillows out of a blue ticking stripe to tie everything together.  We all know how much I love a good ticking stripe!!  

September is starting to fill up so contact me to get on the schedule!


the "beast" 2.0

I am happy to present to you my new cutting table. Which I built all by myself!! She is lighter than the original beast of a table, yet very durable and will be easier to move when the time comes..(kill me now!) I do miss my cute, bright and cheery sewing room in our old house, but hey, I have lots of room in the basement and its not super dark!! So thats a plus.. right?! Well, here it is..

It took me about 2 hours to build. I could not believe how sore i was the next day...seriously... a little pathetic!! But hey, I am a proud mama! Some of you may ask, "why didn't your husband do it or help you?". because.. if you know me at all, you know I hate waiting! and if I can figure out how to do it myself, i will. Plus my husband is crazy busy with his landscaping. He leaves the house at 7am and gets home at 9pm every day... i am sure the first thing he wants to do when he gets home is build more crap! lol! I have my machines in the "dining room" and the "living room" has become the catch all furniture fitting room.. sure I have to run up and down stairs to prep fabric, but hey, "if you don't take the elevators and only take the stairs like Cary Grant" you will be golden. right?

anyways, stay tuned tomorrow for a new post!


We survived. barely...

I am happy to report we are all tucked into our rental.. or as tucked in as one could be after 3 weeks of chaos!! We had two awesome, back to back family reunions. My husbands family was a blast! We stayed on a ranch in Altamont, UT. Which is in the middle of nowhere... but we had a huge lodge, pool, yard for games, climbing wall, paint ball, craw dads and ponds all for our enjoyment! It seriously was a blast and the kids were in HEAVEN!! Then, we were home to wash cloths, make a small dent in packing the house and then off to Park City with my family for the week. We golfed, ate and played. It was fun too, even if my son did crack his head open on the coffee table....Its cool, boys can have scars on their foreheads, right??? Then we returned home sunday to find out our closing date got moved up by 3 days...uh...ok. (remember how i still have not fully packed the house at this point??...) Luckily our buyers were amazing and gave us the week to get out! I am soo happy for them, I am glad we had the coolest couple in the world end up with our house. Oh ya...then I took off that friday afternoon to hang with the girls in the family for a girls trip to st. george and to see Mary Poppins. I am not gonna lie, the first morning there I slept in till 11...dont judge!! I crashed hard!!! It was nice to relax and have fun with no responsibilities....

Now that we are settled I need to get my sweat shop back in order. unfortunately I had to leave the "beast" (my awesome cutting table)... It was built in the basement and did not want to play!! So I need to come up with a replacement and fast!!! I am going back to working in the dungeon...tear...but its temporary... I am just excited to get back to work! So if you are in need of some super awesome slipcovers, I am now scheduling for September!! Hit me up folks! I am dying to get going!!

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