
Big changes!!

My little family's life has been super crazy for the past 3 weeks. If you remember right, we are getting "kicked" out of our rental on friday...um THIS Friday! We had a place lined up to go that was going to be perfect for us for the next year until we really figured out what we wanted to do and where we wanted to be.. It was perfect. Problem solved.

So follow me a few weeks back.. It was the in the first week of October that we got the news that the rental sold and we had less than 25 days to get the heck out. Sweet. Thats when I went into panic mode to find another house that would take our little family in plus Buba. Remember we have a dog. The "Landlord" world frowns upon that.. Oh and remember how I have a ginormous cutting table and make slipcovers for clients? Ya I needed a space for that too. We we ended up finding the perfect place that allowed the kids to stay in their schools and life would resume..

My husband is a landscaper and winter months are a toss up.. if it snows, great, there is work, if not, you basically do Christmas lights and thats about it.. So Conference weekend he headed down to St. George to go and see if he could pull a few landscape install jobs to keep busy thru the winter months. Well, the heaven must have opened up because he was presented with an opportunity to not only work thru the winter but to grow his company in St. George! so great, but...we would likely need to move down there to get things set up, going and running smooth.

Well folks. all i can say is that a large number of doors have been opened up to us in such a short period of time I still am having to pinch myself to believe it is real!! I am talking about finding work, finding a place to live, finding a place for my horse and having the opportunity to keep working my little slipcover business! Its crazy! all I can say is our prayers have been answered in a way we never thought, but when you have these blessings presented to you, you run and take them! We are super excited for our little adventure!

But dont you worry for those here in SL and Utah county. I am still going to be doing work for my client and new clients up "north". I will be scheduling loads that I can come up an get for clients who are ready with fabric every month and haul them back with me and bust them out and then bring them back! We will be back and forth anyways because my husband business will continue to run here in Utah County. I am super excited about this new little adventure and the opportunity to expand into Washington County. So please continue to contact me for slipcovers and other projects! I am just a stone's throw away!!


I am cleaning house!!!

So I need to get rid of a bunch of furniture, home decor and fabric scraps in 2 weeks... So.  If any of this catches your eye, let me know!!!
Z gallery couch and love seat $500

Twin bed with matching bedding, mattress box spring and frame $300
White refinished dresser $100
Cream sideboard $200 black coffee table with drawer $75 pair of ikea dressers $100
Wall decor $30 tall red cabinet $200 black entry bench $100
Large painting $100 large clock $50 pair of framed art $100 magazine rack $30
Whirlpool Duet sport ht washer dryer. With pedestles $500 but you have to bring enough help to get them and laid them!  We also have s ping ping table for $75 and a bunch of home decor, Christmas garlands and fabric scraps!  Email or text me 801-208-5531. It all has to be gone by the 25th!!!!


I got 99 problems but a stitch aint one..

I promise I have not become a sewing recluse.. Actually I have been quite busy sewing. Just not slipcovers... Which really could not have come at a better time. "Why?" you may ask. Well, this little lady right here says it best...

I feel like she looks!! As my 3 followers may know, we sold our home in July and have been living in a super awesome rental since August. The rental we have been living in has been on and off the market for the past 4 years. The last family rented it for 4 years with no problem my friend's sister-in-law). Of course, while living here they built their dream home
Its amazing!! If you get house envy, DONT follow the link to see every square inch of the inside... It will make you mad... But seriously, amazing!

Anyways, we found ourselves not as lucky as my friend's sister-in-law who lived here before us. After spending only 2 months here the house went under contract. um... are you serious??!! Yes, we knew the house was for sale, but everyone we talked to said we should be fine for at least 6 months. Well folks. we gambled and lost. We have to be out of the house by October 25th. Like in 2 weeks. Now kindly refer back to my lady above... That explains my thoughts exactly! Lol!

So now we are on to bigger and better adventures... I hope..but hey, a few wise men once told me, "Hey, it is what it is.." So carry on I shall.

So this my friends is how I coped with this past week. I shifted gears a little and tackled a few extra panels for some massive drapes and figuring out a million angles for a monster window seat cushion. As well as some pillows for a few different clients.. It kept my mind from going crazy!! Here are the bag a$# drapes I made that keep my friend for starring into their backyard neighbors yard who happen to be hoarders..

and dont forget about her monster window seat and mud room bench..

pretty great? right!? They turned out soo great and the angles turned out perfect! These were made sight unseen...My head hurt really bad after I finished! She also sent me a picture of one of the chairs I redid for her last year

I also knocked out a few pillows for another client of mine. I did her nursery bedding, drapes, bench cushion and valence last year for her two daughter's rooms. We just added a few new pillows this time. They look so great all together!

Now my friends, I am going to pack my little family up and head to St. George for the weekend to escape our reality! I am going to enjoy it very much!

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