
are ya done yet??

Because I love what do soo much I find that tend to "collect" awesome pieces of furniture and fabric for myself with the best of intentions to work my magic on them. The problem is, while am good at scouting them out, purchasing and keeping them "safe", I tend to doddle when it comes time to actually making them.. Not because I don't want to do them, more like because I am burned out by the time I can get to them. Well, luckily for me I have had a few months off to move my family and get organized (again, best intentions here..) and focus on my family and my projects and it has been great! My husband, bless his beautiful hyde had been giving me a hard time in regards to two awesome swivel rockers i bought a few years back because I have yet to slipcover them. I can't imagine why he'd care soo much?? I mean, this color is pretty much on trend..

I mean, how great are they? Sure I got around to slipcovering one of them a year or two ago in a drop cloth, but never finished the other one…

Finishing one bought me some time from the husbands "nagging" which is kind of funny because he is a man. The other one stayed in the basement…no need to rush things. Lol! Anyways, when we moved to St. George we were hit with the reality of no basement! What??!! I never really appreciated how great a basement is, unfinished or finished. It was a place to keep all the crap you did not want to deal with. Well folks, I had to face my demons..I could no longer hide form A.both swivel rockers and B. the fact that one was covered and the other one was not. And of course, what was the first thing my husband said to me when we got a little settled? "Hey, so you should probably finished what you've started.. huh?" Boo!!! but he was right! I hate that! As I picked my slightly injured ego up I remembered that I had bought about 15 yards of Magnolia Home Java Pewter Ikat fabric. Awesome, right?! Well, I had actually bought the fabric for another project of mine that is still waiting.. (I may have a problem..) But it went great with the new house, it was washed and I had just enough. I mean there was not one extra piece left over! So i got to work!

Here is what these ugly betties look like now!

All I can say is "Thank you!" to my big beautiful man child for pestering me to get these done! I love how they turned out!!! I can't wait for the rest of my furniture to arrive so I can put things in place but until then I have a few more things to slipcover… And then I can finally know that he will not bug the crap out me to get stuff done! Its the worst.

Shameless plug: you can like me on Facebook @ the sewing nerd custom slipcovers and instagram @ kmort2424


Snow in paradise

So… it snowed here in St. George. NOt a little skiff of snow, like 6-8" of snow! Now to us, this is a pretty typical snow storm, but to this little town, not even close! It never snows here, and if it does its gone pretty quick and warms back up. People who have lived here all their lives have said they have never seen anything like this! They literally had to shut down the town because they have no snow removal equipment. period. We live up on Foremaster Ridge, there are access 3 roads to us, 2 of the 3 were completely closed all day and the other was SUPER sketchy! Our church was canceled Sunday due to the snow. So naturally I became a hermit with my kids and did not leave the house all weekend… but I did get a lot of things done! the most important was building a snow man of course! Thank goodness I brought all their snow clothes down when we moved…

We had about an hour break in the storm where we could get out and play. This was right before we got pounded by the snow. The kids had soo much fun!They were worried they would not see snow this Christmas. Well kids, problem solved!

A few days before the storm I stopped in at the good old DI (Deseret Industries) after dropping Oakley off at school just to see what kind of stuff they may have. When I found the furniture area I was pleasantly surprised, they had some pretty good stuff that was not complete garbage. And then I saw this….

This I had to have!! I had to snatch it up real quick before the elderly shoppers had a chance to take it back (if you know what I mean..) How great is this chair?! I mean how could you not want a pink wing back chair with a duck pillow head rest??? The last time I was in Orem I stopped in at Home fabrics and picked up 6 years of grey ticking stripe. It was perfect for this chair! I had exactly enough fabric. No joke, there is nothing but scraps left but she is a beauty!!!

Not only is the the coolest chair, but it fits perfectly next to the "Jesus nook"! It was the perfect activity for me to do while we were snowed in.

I have also been trying to figure out my master bedroom. I sold all my bedding and needed to get something put together. It was driving me nuts! So I whipped up a ruffled bed skirt and curtains during the "extended" snow weekend and yesterday found the perfect quilt for my bed! So naturally I had to make 7 pillows out of the perfect fabric I have been hoping to use for forever! I made 3 euro shams with ruffles, 2 king pillows, a 20x26 pillow with piping, 2 20x20 pillows out of scraps from a few other slipcovers and a big bolster! I love LOVE how it turned out. I especially love how all the pillows are down and squishy! I look at it and just want to curl up and take a nap! I have yet to hang the curtains because I need to make a stop at IKEA over Christmas and get my hardware. ( I am super cheap and refuse to spend $100+ on a curtain rod when I can get it IKEA for $5!) What do you think?

Once I get everything finished and put together I'll show you the finished product!

If you are in need of slipcover hit me up!! until then I am getting all my stuff done that has been needing to get done for a LONG time!!


I am back!

I do realize I have been MIA for a month or two.. but things are starting to settle down and get back to normal! Let me recap the last few months for you.

Remember our rental house sold so we had to move. again. well, my husband had an awesome work opportunity come up in St. George and since we were homeless we jumped all in! Thats right, we moved our family down to St. George, bought a house and have been trying to settle in since the beginning of November… Oh, and we went to hawaii for a 10 days a week after we moved down to St. George! Soo much fun!! We went to Kona and stayed in the Fairmont Orchid resort, but in a house. My family LOVES this vacation. we do absolutely NOTHING and enjoy every second of it! Next year we may try to stay for 2 weeks.. Each year we go we add an extra day or two.. I mean, how could you not?? Here are some pics of our trip!

We had soo much fun! Thanks to my wonderful parents for giving us yet another awesome early Christmas gift!!!

On anther note, my baby boy turned 7 years old yesterday!!! Where did the time go??

Oh how I love this boy soo much! He is such good kid, super smart and a great big brother. We sure lucked out with this one.

I am slowly getting back to work.. I am still servicing my clients up "north" so don't hesitate to contact me! I just finished up a bunch of patio cushions for a client and hauled them up with me when we came for Thanksgiving.. It can be done!!! I will be up again during the Christmas break and have a few fittings on the schedule already. So if you have something you want done and think you can get fabric in time, like by Dec 21st, I can schedule a fitting while I am there. I am excited to have some time to get some of my furniture slipcovered. I'll keep you posted! I am starting up again in January, so hit me up if you are needing anything done!

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