

Hi, my name is Katie and I am a "slip-a-holic"… Seriously! I am convinced that slipcovering is a sickness. I honestly love what I do! I love that no two jobs are the same, I love the creativity of my clients and I love taking old and tired furniture and making sparkle like new! When ever I get a break in work I still have the hankering to slipcover things.. Its a problem.. I know. Yesterday I found myself in Urban Renewal, a cool local furniture shop filled with new cool furniture to the vintage stuff that is one of a kind. This lady goes cross country "picking" her way thru and bringing back the best of the best! There is also a consignment side too, so you never know what your going to find. So of course I have to go in once every few weeks just to "see" what they have. So while I was there I stumbled upon this!

Um.. are you kidding me?! I have seen this style of couch from Restoration Hardware and other high end furniture companies and they are mucho $$.

Sure it has a fugly brown corduroy slipcover on it but seriously? Take that frumpy thing off and you have a diamond! It is perfect underneath, wrapped in heavy canvas ready for a face lift. and at the price they had it marked at I had to have it. I love seeing the potential of furniture that people toss aside! Just imagine a soft yummy grey linen or subtle ticking stripe on that bad boy! (See, I told you I have a problem..) So now the dilemma, do I buy it, slip it and sell it real quick (not that i really have the time to do this, geeze!) or do I keep it for myself (like i have room) or bring it up to Swiss Days in August and show it there to sell? All I know is I have to have this couch, just to do it justice because it can be amazing!

Also, here is that fabulous red chair I finished yesterday. Remember this?

My client has a pair of these chairs wanted to change the look. These chairs are the best for slipcovering, plus these tired chair now look brand new! She chose to do a white denim slipcover with a box skirt and no piping. She went back and forth between piping and top stitching, but after visiting the Pottery Barn website she chose to do a topstitch. Good choice! I also added darts on the arms to give it a cleaner look. I love how they look so bright and happy and the topstitch adds a little bit of a casual touch. I love how they turned out!

I am working on a large sectional the rest of the week and a few chairs before I head up North next week. I will have that couch today, so if any of you can catch the vision with me, let me now if you are interested in it. I am 100% positive that it will be amazing!!!! Now, off to preschool graduation. My baby is going to be in Kindergarten in the fall!! Where has the time gone????


"hot sewing"

Summer time is just around the corner but here in St George its been underway for a bit now, temperature wise.. Yikes! I am trying to figure out how to survive a summer down here with kids and animals.. My goodness! Poor Bubs is already panting 24-7 and I am going to have to go ride my horse early in the morning (sorry kids! mom is dragging you to the barn mucho early…) but thats better than riding in hot sand! All the horses already have their box fans blasting into the stalls. Its actually kind of funny to see them stand in front of them.

Thank goodness for misters!!

This past weekend we hit a little hike with the kids. We felt it was time we got out and did some "adventurous" things.. Or should I say our friends Kyle and Lacy told us we were going.. But we loved it! He has a list of places we need to hike and see during the summer. Game on! We told the kids we were going to do a waterfall hike (we were hoping that there would be water there period.) They were soo excited! As we began the hike we'd see families coming back with swim gear on so we thought we were good. Wrong.. When we made it to the falls all we were left with was stagnant pools of water that I would not let my dog drink out of! the waterfalls had dried up so the whole swimming thing was a bust. Thanks hikers we past for the heads up..

We still had fun tho! The kids got to explore, climb on rocks and we even saw a bunch of little frogs in the pools. We also encountered some random groups of hikers that included families, BYU students in full safari garb hunting bugs and euro creepers..YA, we had to get a pic of them. they made the trip!

Its always an adventure with this bunch! You better believe we told the families we past with kids and inner-tubes that the falls were dry. Your welcome! After we finished the jaunt we had to go to the city splash pad so the kids could "swim"… and ya, we fit right in with our swim attire… I like to think our outing was a success! Cant wait to see whats in store for the next.

On a slipcover note, I am finishing up a pair of chairs that my hubby hauled back for one of my clients. We are giving them a new look with a white denim top stitched slipcover! Once I finish the seat cushions, I'll post a pic. It is literally a hot box during the day in my garage, so I have to sew early in the morning or later at night. Either way I sweat off a pound overtime I am out there! Some people do "hot yoga". I do "hot sewing".. To each their own..

Check back manna to see the finished slipcover! I am also working on a finishing up a sectional with a gathered skirt and another chair this week and part of next before I head back up north on the 28th. I'll be there from the 28th till the 2nd of June. Hit me up if you are wanting a slipcover fitted while I am in town!


Keep it in the family..

Because my hubby is one of eleven kids (8 boys, 3 girls) I get the joy of having 10 super awesome sister-in-laws! And speaking of sis-in-laws. Tammy, who is super crafty called me up because she was contemplating slipcovering her family room couch and love seat. She has had these couches for ever! But they were old and tired.. She wanted a new look but was not ready to fork over the $$ to buy new ones, especially if they are going to be building a new home in the near future.. I am always happy to come to the slipcover rescue! (Um… Jackie - another sis-in-law. I promise I have not forgot about your cushions.. You will have them soon. well. sooner than later..)Anyways, She sent me a picture of her couches and a picture of what she had in mind for them to look like.

Here is what we were dealing with.:
Not bad. Comfy, just dated. This is what she wanted them to look like:

Nice and light and casual. Its a good change! Instead of getting a brushed canvas she used painters drop cloth. It is cheaper than fabric and washes up great! The back cushions were attached on her couch so we cut them off. Nobody likes saggy cushions that can't be fluffed. Nobody! We also added a simple box skirt to finish off the look. I sent her finished slipcovers up with my husband Monday so she had to put them on herself. I am not gonna lie.. I always get a little nervous when I can't put the finished slipcovers on to make sure they fit perfect. But she nailed it! Here is what they look like now. Happy, bright and fun!

It looks great! And I love being able to help a sister out!! (Again, Jackie.. I swear I have not forgotten about you..)

I am headed up north tomorrow to drop slipcovers off and to do a few fittings. I may have 1 spot open in my schedule. Let me know if you have something you want slipcovered and can get fabric ready to go by saturday. My next trip up will be May 30th- June 1st for my sweet new little nieces' baby blessing. Contact me to get on my schedule! I also have some super fun things in the works right now and can't wait to show you what I have been up too….. Stay tuned!!

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