
Catch Up

Well, here I am playing catch up. Again.  I had a pretty busy month and I am now just blogging about it.  I used to be soo good at keeping up on everything but I am just plain am sucking at it.. yikes!  So here we go!

First off, I competed in my regions Championships for Dressage (Its a horse thing, I don't expect anyone to understand, but I love it it.) in Scottsdale.  I actually kicked some major butt and walked away with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in my classes!  I took 2nd in one Championship class and 3rd in another and 1st in my warm up class.  I am pretty darn proud of my mare, she did awesome!  Did I mention this was her 3rd show, ever?!  And no, there were not 3 people in the class...There was more like 30!

I can't wait to start working on stuff for next year! I can already taste victory!

I also got a lot of sewing done... I promise!  I slipcovered this fun little chair for a friend in one of my previous wards.  She picked up this chair for $5!!!  and it swivels...
She wanted to change the color to a go with her decor so we used this deep orange microfiber.  It turned out great and she loved it!!

Next I sold another one of my custom made wing chairs to a repeat client.  She found me on Etsya few months back and bought my last chair I had left form Swiss Days last year.  It was my favorite, and she loved it soo much she had me make another one to match!  Luckily I bought extra fabric last year so it was not a problem!  Did I mention that I was able to ship this chair for $65 to Virginia?!  Ya!  My cute client asked if I would ship it thru Grey Hound Express.  You heard me.. the bus company now will fill extra space under the bus with pretty much anything. If it fits it ships!  Sure you have to deal with shady characters at the bus station but hey, it beats spending $300 on shipping!  And It mad sit all in one piece.  So thats a win in my book!

I still have a love affair wight this chair!  I love the lines and how comfy it is.  I am yet to be sick of it!

I also slipcovered this chair for one of my good friends. She has had this chair forever and wanted to change the fabric and get it out of the office, where it hid in the corner..
 The chair itself is pretty great, rolled arms and casters, but the fabric was just dark and dated.  Dare I say, burly..  So....she bought some of my favorite fabric and really redeemed this chair back to life!!!  I mean, come on!  How great is this print, and the chair now is super fantastic!!

I also breathed some new life back into this hot mess of a chair.. Its very naked and very afraid!

Now this chair is is not ashamed, its freaking amazing!  I love this HGTV print, its bright, cheery and pretty much perfect and I think the chair would agree..

This fabulous client of mine has more up her sleeve for me to tackle next week and I can't wait to see her fabrics she has picked!  To say I am addicted to fabric would be an understatement...

I also redid some cushions and pillows for a cute client who lives in Heber.  She just was sick of the fabric and wanted to change it out and add more umph to the cushions..

Here is the before, your typical golds and reds... Well she picked a fab fabric to lighten them up and I boxed up the seat cushions and added 1" batting to give them more loft.  They looks amazing now!

Pretty great? huh!! And finally, today I dropped off a sectional for another cute friend of mine.  Her house is amazing and they just finished their basement.  Here taste in everything is spot on! She has this pretty comfy sectional that they put in the theater room but it needed a little help. See..

Its a great couch, totally two toned from the sun but in great shape!  Did I mention it is super comfy?  So she picked a lighter linen to breath new life into it and boom!  Check out this amazingness....

I hate to brag but I freaking rocked this couch!  It looks totally different and uber custom!  Its soo pretty!  We kept the lines the same but its amazing how new fabric can totally change the look of something!  Its like the sectional just lost 200 lbs and got a whole new wardrobe. My friend texted me today after I dropped it off to tell me that she keeps going in there to look at it because she loves it soo much!  Amen sister!  She also had me make a cushion for her bench and the bottom of her basement stairs with the left over fabric.
I told you!  Her house is pretty amazing! I can't wait to see what else she has up her sleeves for me!

I just wanted to remind you all that I have this awesome grey and white ticking stripe couch for sale!  Its super comfy and brand new underneath!  I am selling to for $1600 and you can see it in the basement of Thanksgiving Point! So go!  check it out!

I also have a client that needs to sell a couch that I did for her a few years back.  Its in great shape but she just remodeled her house and it no longer fits with her style.  She is asking $800. If you are interested contact me and I will get you in touch with her.

I have maybe 1 or 2 spots left open on my schedule for the rest of the year.  Thats right, if you don't get on it now your gonna have to wait till mid January.. So if you have something you want done before the Holidays, what are you waiting for?! Get your butt in gear contact me!



Remember National Lampoons Vacation?  Great flick!  Do you remember the family station wagon?  Even better!
there she is.. in all her glory! now fast forward thru the movie... and you get this.
Oops..  Ya. Well thats how I feel about this banquet settee I just finished for a client.  She sent me this link to a picture of here settee she wanted to slipcover.  Cute right?  Well after being put thru the ringer the white upholstery did not hold out...when she brought me the settee she had to take the legs off to get it in her car.  Even better! 

 I was dying when I got it up on totes so I could work on it.  All I could think of was good old Clark Griswold and his family station wagon.. I love a good a challenge and she loves here settee so.. she brought  me her fabric and I got to work!  Here is is now, minus legs.. and its pretty dang fabulous if you ask me!

I had some fabric left over so she had me make some pillows to match!  Mucho Mucho Better!!

My schedule is filling up folks and pretty soon you are gonna be s. o. l. if you want something done for the holidays.  Hurry and get on my list before you have to wait until next year!  Ew... did i just say  next year!?


ruffles and pleats

This past week I was busy working on a few different clients' pieces and al of them either had ruffles or pleats!  there must have been a memo that went around and I was the last to get it..  Lets start out twitch the quilted chair.  when I posted the before of this chair on instagram, people thought this was the finished product.. lol!  Well folks, I hate to burst your bubble.  Its not!  My client wanted a change from the red and white and shifted to grey and pleats.

Her fabric was a heavy upholstery fabric, which will wear great but was a bugger to work with.  There was absolutely NO give in this fabric.  But I made it work!

Next up, a pair of these red gingham chairs...
My client had a pair of these which go with another pair of grey chairs I finished up a few weeks ago.  My client was brave and picked a really fun pink fabric.  I really love how they turned out.  She wanted a pleated skirt of some sort so I gave her 2" knife pleats and bam!

I love how these chairs turned out!  They will make the perfect accent piece to go with grey, plus it will put a smile on your face when you walk in the room.. bonus!

Next, box pleats... I have said it before and  I 'll say it again.  I LOVE me a good camel back couch!!  My cute client found this couch on a FB yardsale for $50!!  Its a steal if you ask me!
Some people look at this and think "Ew!" but  i say "yes please!"  Its amazing!  I sewed the two seat cushions together and wrapped them in batting to create one long cushion.  My client needed a formal couch for her formal front room and and she found the perfect fabric that matched perfectly with the her decor!

My client was floored when she came to pick it up.  Even her husband was speechless.  Thats when you know you friggin rocked that job!  She was soo happy with how it turned out.  I am telling you people.  Slipcovers are amazing and you all need one in your life!

I also finished up the second chair to a pair i've had for a client for a while and now she is finally all finished up!  Remember this chair?

 Well here it is looking mucho better!  She used a green and neutral seer sucker fabric that worked perfect for this chair!  I did a ruffled skirt and had just enough fabric for a few pillows.  I can't wait to see it in the room with the other pieces Ive done for her!

I have also been busting out a few pillows and cushions.. because people are always needing those!

Needless to say this print was a hit at Swiss Days!  I have a few more yards left if you are wanting some pillows made.  They are pretty rad and you need one in your house. 

My november is just about booked out, so... if you are wanting slipcovers made before the holidays you better holler at me now!  Have a great Monday!

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