
Survival mode...

School is out!  can i get a hallelujah?! and "oh crap, what now!"  School getting out is a bitter sweet moment!  No more homework, projects tests, but now a new challenge is on..  the question, "what are we gonna do today??  Well, I am prepared this year!  We have summer camps booked, pool passes bought and sports..  That should tie us over till mid July... No  in all seriousness I love this time of year and now that the sun has come out I can't wait to get going!  Plus today of all days is my little red head's 6th birthday!! My baby is 6 years old today!  Time flies... too fast.

 Oh I just love her to pieces!!! she is the best sister, helper and side kick I could ever ask for!! Plus she has her mamas sass... Happy Birthday Oakley!!!

the last few weeks I have felt like I have been running around with my head cut off!  But last night i was able to finish up my deadline that was a doozy!  And it feels oh, soo good!  I am dropping it off tomorrow so I'll sang some pictures then, but just to hold you over here is a little sneak peek..

Oh I can't wait to show them in their new home!!  I also finally had a chance to work on these little bittys...
How great are these little slipper chairs that rock and swivel?!  amazing!  I have a thing for swivel rockers.. you can never, NEVER go wrong..and she picked the funnest fabric for them!  We kept the lines the same as well as the box skirt.  I am beyond thrilled with how they look now!

I love them and I love this fabric!  So bright and happy and fun!  I am gonna have to go pick some up for pillows for Swiss Days this year!  Everyone needs a little floral in their life, right?!  

Now that life is getting back to normal I have just 1 spot open in June and 1-2 spots open in July.  If you are wanting something ugly made into something fabulous give me a holler!! I'd love to help you out!!


I can almost see the light...

Does anyone else feel like there is not enough time in the day right now to get all your stuff done?? School is ending and when you have a kindergartener and a 2nd grader their schedule refuse to line up!  Kindergarten gets out friday, meaning class parties, class programs, testing... Second grade gets out next week, which means.. repeat the week before. As if that weren't enough, I have a few big deadlines that are fast approaching with my work as well as my normal work load, Payson temple open house, a horse show on saturday (thats right!  I am back to showing peeps) t-ball and baseball practices, kids birthday parties and the list goes on and on.. and thats just this week!  The light at the end of my tunnel is literally non existent!! Thats ok... I am not asking for pity.. remember.. I love a good challenge and that, my friends, is what the next 2 weeks of my life are going to be.

Last week I dropped of a sectional to my cute client that was in need of a solution for her sectional that has been overruled by large sheets that protect it from the dogs and cats.  Her sectional is pretty perfect as is.. see.

Super clean lines with no removable cushions.. but you see, if only life were that simple.. They have 2 large dogs and a very frisky cat that claim ownership of this sectional.. hence the need for this:

That is no way to live!!  Plus the cat likes to burrow under the sheets so its not only an eye sore, but its counter productive..  So when my client contacted me to make a slipcover for this sectional I was up for the challenge. Her original thought was to just slipcover it in something very similar to the current upholstery, but when she and her mom went looking for fabric they pulled a fast one on me and went in the complete opposite direction!  When I showed up to grab her fabric she had purchased two large rolls of a leather look synthetic fabric.  Her mom convinced her that it would be much easier to wipe away evidence of any pets..  I am not gonna lie, it scared me for like 2 seconds, I've worked with this type of fabric before, but for window seat cushions.. I was nervous as to how it would lay on the sectional and if it would hold its shape.. So naturally I accepted the challenge..

We kept the lines of the slipcover the same as the couch. Since there were no removable cushions I dropped the seat of the sectional to give it the appearance of a cushion.  I top stitched all of the seams so that the material would lay better.  It was a beast to work with.  Try moving and sewing 30lbs of fabric pinned together all at once! I have battle scars from pins to prove it.. But, I made it thru and I am super happy with how it turned out and so was my client!

It was hard to get a good pic since there was a monsoon that hit and stole all my sunlight right as I walked in the door..

I had to work fast because those animals were not about to wait for me to get the slipcovers on!  Bless their hearts, I think they approved!  Just in getting the slipcovers on they proved they could stand up to big dogs, a cat and my kids... ya, they they were not the best of helpers that day..  My client was thrilled with how they turned out!  They just made her life 10 times easier!

I also just finished up a slew of bench cushions and pillows for a client of mine who has a second home in Midway.  We switched out the existing fabric, added some new foam and batting to plump things back up and just in time for the wedding they are hosting there this weekend!

I also worked on a ton of little side jobs last week. I swear it was "I just need a few pillows made" week and of course I have a hard time saying no.. See no pity, I did it to myself! And of course, there were no photos taken..  This week I am working on 8 more massive bench cushion, pillows and 4 super cute ottomans as well as 2 darling little swivel rockers that are going to be amazing!  These are for 2 different clients and the fabrics they have chosen are so much fun!  And one of them may or may not have a home in this years parade.... Um.. So ya, there is NOT enough time in the day!!

My June schedule is filling up fast and I am only working till the 20th of July (I'll be back to work around the 12th of August), so If you want to board this crazy train, you better get your ticket now!!


Back to the grind

I am happy to report that my Slipcover 101 Workshop was a blast!  I had soo much fun with my cute gals showing them the ropes of slipcovering.  I was soo impressed with all of them and they did such a wonderful job on their first slipcover!  Here are their before and afters... because they are a must!

Our first day covered how to measure the chair and prep the fabric for slipcovers and we got the seat cushions all sewn up.  Day two covered the chair fittings and sewing of the slipcovers! 

I really enjoyed getting to know these ladies and I really had a great time showing them what I love to do!  Here are their finished slipcovers and I could not have been more proud!! 

Cute Phyllis wins for getting the most beat up by the pins! 

Tracy was a hoot and a half and boy oh boy did she just zip right thru her sewing!

 Cathy was just giddy the entire time.  She was in heaven just learning and sewing for 2 days straight!!

All my ladies wanted a sleek skirt-less slipcover, so they decided they want to come back and have me teach them an advanced slipcover class.. Oh how I just love them.  They are really a fun bunch of ladies and they were just  riot to teach!

I was really happy with how the workshop turned out so I am toying with doing another one in October some time..  I just need to make it thru the rest of the summer first!

Now that the workshop is done I am back to the grind and I swear all of the sudden everyone that has ever wanted window seat cushions made has been calling me!  I have to pump out 14 window seat cushions between a few different clients in the next 2 weeks.  Did I mention that these said window seats are on average 80"-120" long?!  Not to mention a few sectionals in-between... Its good tho.. I thrive on this!  

Soo.. if you are wanting to get on my schedule you better contact me now, June is starting to fill up and I am only working the first 3 weeks in July and then nada for 3 weeks!!  So if you can't wait till mid August to get slipcovers made you better contact me asap!

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