
"Balance"? What's that!?

So here I am  trying to get caught up on my blog as well as other "house keeping" details that are far overdue..  You see, I am a person that craves structure, schedules, lists, order, blah, blah, blah... So far this summer, my OCD tendencies have been kicked to the curb, in a very cruel way!  You see, normally I have clients booked out in advance.  Each one knows what their expected "drop off" and "pick up date" is.  I normally give each client 1 week turn around time depending on the piece.  Everyone is happy and there is this beautiful thing called ORDER.  Well since the May I have kissed that beautiful memory goodbye...

You see, when I have a client that needs to push back due to lack of getting fabric or schedule conflicts I can usually fill that void in my schedule pretty quick and order continues.  But man oh man  I hit the ground running in June and I have not had a second to breathe! Now don't confuse this for complaining, I assure you I am not.  I am simply reminding myself that it is ok to push people back for the need of sanity!

First order of choas... my "sweat shop" moved.. My space that sat vacant for 4 years all of sudden became popular and will be a used gaming shop soon.  I had to move all my stuff out plus about 10 clients furniture pieces as well... its cool.  I survived. Barely.

#2,#3, #4.... - my mom and I along with my aunt, sister in law, her mom, and sisters are headed to Europe for 2 weeks and we leave monday!  Awesome right?!  Well, on top of that I thought, "Hey, why not add a few more things to my plate and get back into showing horses?"  Such a great idea! Right? Plus family reunions and oh.. ps, all my clients needs stuff done ASAP on top of regularly scheduled clients..

Ya..Kill me now!  I am happy to report that I have 1, yes 1 client left to finish up tomorrow and I will officially be on vacation for slipcovers.. Then thursday - saturday i'll be riding in a Dressage Show (google it...) in Heber.  Hopefully I can get my scores I need to qualify for Regionals in October..

Sunday I get to kiss my oldest child good bye because he gets to spend a week and a half having fun  with cousins in New Mexico.  (I may be freaking out a little because he will be driving to New Mexico with his cousins Monday but he'll be flying home ALONE and I won't be there to pick my baby up from the airport.  breathe. ) He is more than excited but holy crap!  I'll be halfway around the world when he gets back!

Oh, I have not even packed 1 thing for my 2 week trip that consists of a temperature swing of 30 degrees during the trip.. I did this to myself!

So.. Here are all of the things I have done in the past month.. Its slipcover overload, but its pretty great! (I'll give you the short and sweet version...)

Here is a sectional I did for a good friend.  It was orignially cream leather with attatched back pillows that zipped off.  She wanted a more modern and clean look to the couch.  It was still in great shape but she hated the leather and the cushions.
 Here is the after!  She chose a really pretty cream linen and yes, its a still a bit wrinkled because I had it bagged up before I install fit..) We changed the lines so that it appeared more modern.  The seat cushions were attached so we just dropped the from of the couch from the top of the cushions.   We ordered new back pillow inserts and topstitch the seams!  She was completley shocked at how it turned out!  She loved it!

Next up.. This darling little settee...
This was handed down to my client from family and my oh my is it marvelous!  I mean, look at those feet and the shape!  We kept the lines the same but ditched the 2 cushions and replaced them with 1 new cushion.  This look NEVER gets old!

Next, this swivel rocker that has seen better days...  I cut the back cushion off and ripped the skirt off. That right there looks 100 times better than how it arrived..

But look!  It was soo worth it!  I added a longer box skirt, added fill to the sad saggy cushion and boom!  New chair!  She almost did not recognize her chair.  Thats my favorite part of the job!

This next chair has a twin, but its getting covered in something different.. It belongs to this client.. remember?! well she found this pair of chairs on ksl for $30!  It was a steal!  Here is the chair before..
It compliments her camel back couch perfectly, plus there are 2 of them!  She wanted a gathered skirt this time around.  I think it turned out great!

Now on to one that is a little more funky!  This sectional was straight out of the 70's.  No joke!  Its original slipcover was out of a balled up wool look.. remember that?  We had a couch like that when I was younger. It must have been the thing back then! well, thats about to change..  Here is the before with the under base fabric, i forgot to get a full pic of the sectional before hand..

 You can kind of see the original fabric on the seat cushion.. and yes, there was a change of location for my shop at this point... so never mind the mess!  Like I said..too much on my plate!

This one was a little tricky.. I am not gonna lie!  It was made to be slipcovered so it save me a ton of time stapleing velcro to the couch... She wanted the same look just different fabric.  No piping, no top stitching.. just minimal on everything.  She picked a grey canvas that was fabulous to work with.. did I mention that the sectional had bolster head cushions that were attached to the body like car head rests.. ya, see what  mean, tricky!  After a bit on pondering I was able to figure out the curved bolster, if only it had been symmetrical.. but hey.. I love a good challenge!  It really was a super cool couch! They were really happy with the results!

This next one was also a throw back to the retro days.. and its a sleeper sofa! And the back of the couch folds open.. another thinker...

This slipcover had to be functional with the sleeper feature of the couch.  no one want to remove a slipcover every time they need to pull the sleeper out, so I made it so all you have to of is lift up the couch back and pull the decking back!  Super simple, yet super fantastic!  She chose a pretty brown geometric print fabric that is super durable and will stand up to wear and tear. We kept the lines the same, nice and simple with no skirt.

This couch was SUPER heavy.. so it stays where it lays until my client is ready to put it in its forever spot... I love how this one turned out! It was such a cool couch to begin with all it needed was a little TLC.  She also had me slipcover a sweet little swivel rocker to go in the master.. Oh how i  LOVE these!!
Gold velour!  I mean seriously!!!  I love it!  My client had previously purchased 6 yards of fabric a while back and really wanted to use it for this chair.  I used every single inch of the fabric to make it work and boy oh boy does it look amazing!  I kept the lines the same with a short box skirt.  I secretly wanted this chair and the fabric she had was fantastic!

How great is this?!  I love the colors in the fabric!  So vibrant yet not obnoxious..  It really turned out perfectly.  You'd never know it had a tufted back cushion:) Ps. I may have taken this one home to work on..

I also worked on an outdoor sectional for one of my designer clients.  She had 6 extremely large cushions made from scratch..  She picked a 5" foam with was dreamy but let me tell you.. its a work out cutting wrapping and stuffing covers that are that thick!  She picked a pretty grey outdoor fabric and once she gets them installed I'll post a pic.  They are pretty rad!

I also made a cute little window bench cushion for another designer client who will be doing a photo shoot of this room while I am in Europe, so I had to squeeze these two in.  She used Caitlin Wilson's Navy Buffalo check for the window bench and this darling Mint Greek Key fabric for a really cool retro chair.  We made a 40" in diameter cushion/pillow.  That room will be happy with color! Ps.. if you don't follow her on social media, go do it!  She is renovating her home and it is AMAZING!  Plus she is super darling and sweet!

My last chair and ottoman combo was this beast... A mans chair that was in need of much love!  I cut the back cushion off and fluffed it up!  It was sad and saggy..
She chose a really pretty navy velvet fabric that was the perfect weight of fabric to work with.  She wanted it to be as tight as possible!  We kept the lines the same but I ripped the ottoman apart and made an attached pillow top and then just stapled it under neath.   She vowed shed never be going back to plaid.. Here is the after!
I loved working with this fabric and I am tempted to go get a bolt of it at Home Fabrics!   Its the bomb!!! I am sure I can find a use for it... She was shocked and amazed at the look of her chair when she came to get it. She loved it! No more plaid and look how happy that back cushion looks now..

All I have left to finish up this week a settee cushions and back pillows.  So there you have it.. my month recap all in one long blah blah blah post!

I am booking for mid September if you want to get on my schedule.. but you may not be able to reach me via text while I am on vaca so shoot me an email!  Once I get home I am gearing up for Swiss Days and a am super excited about my finds and can't wait to share them with you.  I hope i can survive the next few weeks..  now I am off to attempt packing, grocery shopping, riding a horse and then headed to Heber in the morning.. I can't wait for my OCD scheduling and list making to return!

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