
a hot mess

Well folks.. a lot has happened since my last post.. We sold our house in May and bought another fixer upper, but this time we have acreage!!! YAY!!! but.. here we go again.  This time we are taking things a little slower since we won't be moving from here, ever.  seriously!  We have found our little piece of heaven and we can't wait to make it ours!  Sure, its in perfect condition for the 1970's, but we have big plans for it and it will be glorious!

I took the summer off from sewing as well for 2 reasons.. one to spend time with the fam, move and prepare for Swiss Days (ok that was like 3), and the other, because the building i ran my shop out of sold, so i was left shopless.  The break was much needed but now I am more than ready to get going again now that the kids are back in school.. Hopefully my little sewing barn in the backyard will be done in the next few months, but I'll still me working in the meantime.

Swiss Days 2016!!!!!!!  Ya, call me crazy but I am doing it again!  And, boy oh boy, did I nail the fabric selections this time!  I cannot wait to for next weekend.  My booth is literally going to be stuffed with pillows , furniture and grab bags!  So make sure you stop in and see me at the bakery! You won't want to be late to the party... I'll have fabulous slipcovered furniture for the taking and pillows WITH feather filled inserts for smoking prices! Its gonna be glorious!

So stay tuned as I get back into the swing of things.  My schedule always books up pretty fast after Swiss Days, so if you have things done for the holidays.. ya I know, you better get on my schedule now!

Ps.. you can follow along with our shenanigans on instagram @kmort2424  

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