
Costa Rica baby!!

I am SUPER excited today for 2 reasons.. 1. We are heading off to Costa Rica tomorrow for a whole week of fun! I have heard of how great this place is but I can't wait to see for myself. 2. I finished my family room couch and chairs just in the nick of time!! Not only did I get them done but my new rug showed up too. It was like christmas morning!! I can't believe how different my family room looks. And soo much bigger too! Here is the before:

The couch and chairs were given to us by my mom when we moved to St. George. She got new furniture and I am never one to turn down her hand me downs.. They are pretty much perfect and brand new! I do like the pattern of them but they just did not go well in our new home. I knew that I wanted a more relaxed feel in the room. Its open to the kitchen and dining area plus, we are just casual people.. I decided to nix any kind of skirt and just bring everything to the gound with a little bit of a drag and then finish it with a rolled hem. Simple and relaxed. I also knew that I wanted a soft and yummy linen to complete the look. I stumbled upon Fabrics-Store on line and hit the jack pot! I ordered a few different samplers to get the right color. I had to get 18 yards for the couch and 18 yards for the chairs. I used drop cloth on the decking of the couch and chairs and no joke, I used every last inch!! I probably should have ordered 20 for the couch and 20 for the chairs but that saved me and extra $50 by using drop cloth in the areas you will never see..

Not only did I get the slipcovers finished but my new rug or should I say carpet came the same day! When we moved in we knew we needed a big rug to cozy up the room but have you ever looked into buying a 10'x12' rug?? Kill me!! So expensive!! So… we found some carpet that we loved and have it cut and bound into a custom rug for $500! It has a cool linen weave texture to it and I love it!! Here is the after of the family room

My little sassy pants Oakley insisted that she should be in one of the pictures..Just love her!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! It all come together and I could not be happier! I just put the pillows back on the couch because I have not had time to find fabric for them, but hey, they actually work pretty great for now.. I used this linen. Its heavy enough for slipcovers and super soft after you wash it. I did not realize it at the time but the company I bought my linen from is running a contest to see what people create using their linen.. So of cousre I entered my stuff in! Head over to the Fabrics-Store blog and vote April 15th.

Just a reminder, I'll be back in Salt Lake at the end of the month and I have maybe 1 or 2 spots open for fittings. Contact me to get on the schedule1!! Until then… Peace Out!!!

1 comment :

  1. Hey very nice blog. I must say these are excellent collection of photos of Sofa Cushion Covers since the style and designs are very unique. Thanks for posting.


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