

Soo.. I have been a little MIA, I apologize, but this remodel is killing my work production! I have a line up of clients to get to and I thank you for all of your patients! Really, I am getting anxiety knowing people are ready to go! But I am happy to report that while our house is not ready for us to move into yet, I have found a space that I can set up shop to get things going again! i am super excited! I am going nuts!! I'll be able to move all of my stuff in this weekend and will be ready to get going next week. You see, I am lucky to have a Dad who works in real estate and property management and he just happened to have a vacant space in one of his shopping centers. I'll be able to work out of it while we finish the house and I couldnt be happier! If you want to come find me I'll be in Orem in Park Place shopping center just down from Smiths and Tuesday Mornings.. Sure I will be sharing the space with the floral shop next door (they are using it for overflow storage) but it has tons of space and an bathroom! noe if only i could "borrow" some internet access so I can keep Oakley occupied while work...

Here are some pics i snapped when I went to check it out. they are rough.. very rough!

Once I get situated I'll post some pics!


Rumble in the "fabric" jungle..

So my mom sent me a text yesterday telling me they had sold the "yellow" chair over the weekend.  I was super stoked!  I thought to myself, "One down, 3 to go!"  For those of you who don't know or remember, I participated in Swiss Days this year and had 4 chairs made for Slipcovers.  They were well received but not an impulse buy.. Which I knew.  So after Swiss Days was over my mom offered to put them in the floor at The Emporium at Thanksgiving Point. 

This is what the chairs look like:
I had 1 of the blue floral, one yellow and a pair of the grey and white print.  Pretty great!

Well saturday a customer came in and bought the yellow chair.  So fast forward to Monday.  I get my moms text that it sold. But then about an hour later she called me with thee best story ever!!  She called to tell me that they had an "incident" saturday regarding one of my chairs... "Incident"??!  What?!  

Apparently there were two customers fighting over the yellow chair!  I just about died when she told me!! I guess one lady was looking at it wanting to buy it while the other was paying for it.  One thing lead to another and a kurfufle broke out.  The lady that bought it ended up just grabbing it and took it to her car!! Who knew yellow and white fabric would have such a reaction!!

But don't you worry, there was a peaceful ending. The customer that was unable to buy them ended up buying not one but two of my chairs to have the exact same Slipcovers made for them!  So that means I have one, left... For now.  I have lowered the price to $799 per chair and you can pick from the blue floral or the pair of grey and white chairs(which will have a delay because one chair will need to be built..)..or you can choose your own fabric;)



Slow and steady..

I am checking in with my two loyal followers to give a progress report of how our adventure is going.. First off, if you know me at all you know that A- I am a very scheduled person.  I love structure, schedules and a game plan! And B- I am not super patient... So this experience is teaching me how to let go a little (I mean a lot!!) and patients.  Lots and lots of patients!!

You see, we are bunking up at my in-laws in Lehi, (bless their hearts!) and I am commuting everyday to take the kids to school in Springville.  The drive is not bad, it's the whole 1/2 day kindergarten thing that is killing me!!! I drop both kids off in the morning and then have to hang out. Between pick ups.  All day.  Luckily the barn is close by.  It's my saving grace!!

And Oaks usually passes out somewhere in between..

So here is what our little "fixer upper" looks like right now. We are having to go room by room in some cases because we had to move all our stuff there (I would have just stored it but the hubs did not want to have to move it again and wanted to save $.. If you ask me it it would have been worth the $$, but then again that's probably why I am not in charge😳). Soo, because we have ALL our stuff there it's being shuffled from room to room as they get done.. ( but he did not want to move it twice. Soo.... Lol!  I still love him!)

Here is the front room.  We ripped off the lovely blinds, scraped the ceiling and sanded the paneling.  Just little bit of work makes it look so much better!!

It's gonna look awesome when it's all painted and trimmed out! I love our little mail slot by the front door.  Sure it may be a little ghetto but I love it!!

Here is one of the kids bedrooms.. Like I said, we had to move stuff around..
But it gives you an idea of the paint and trim.  Such a change from before! 

This next one is of the kids bath, or the original ONLY bath in the house before the addition.. The tub is a cast iron tub that the previous owners refinished.. Because that thing ain't ever coming out!! All we did here was paint the beadboard, layed new tile, added a new toilet and soon to be new fixtures.. There is still some work to be done, but not much.

Here is the kitchen.. Yikes!!!
We are refinishing the cabinets and the rest is getting an overhaul!!! It's kind of a lot to take in but it will come together nicely! Right? 

Here is the family room, not much has been done other than scraping the ceiling and ripping out carpet..
It's more like a "holding room for now..

This is the new master bath.  It used to be the laundry/bathroom but as you can see.. That has changed.  We removed the "laundry" part and will be moving that to the basement.  It's amazing how much bigger it already looks!

 Now for the outside... My amazing husband is giving the exterior a major overhaul!  He put in a new paver walkway, sprinklers, curbing and now shrubs.  I may have caught him in the act... There is more to do in landscaping but this is not shabby for a day's work;)

 There is still a lot more to go.... A new liitle front porch, colums, trim, window boxes, paint and a few new light fixtures.

Now you can see why I have not been sewing.. Because we are living out of boxes!!! But it's been fun soo far.  I'll let you know where my patients stand in another week...

I am booking for Nov/Dec and I still have a few pieces of furniture left from Swiss Days.  Contact me if you want on the schedule! I'll be itching to get back to sewing and having a regular schedule!!!

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