

Soo.. I have been a little MIA, I apologize, but this remodel is killing my work production! I have a line up of clients to get to and I thank you for all of your patients! Really, I am getting anxiety knowing people are ready to go! But I am happy to report that while our house is not ready for us to move into yet, I have found a space that I can set up shop to get things going again! i am super excited! I am going nuts!! I'll be able to move all of my stuff in this weekend and will be ready to get going next week. You see, I am lucky to have a Dad who works in real estate and property management and he just happened to have a vacant space in one of his shopping centers. I'll be able to work out of it while we finish the house and I couldnt be happier! If you want to come find me I'll be in Orem in Park Place shopping center just down from Smiths and Tuesday Mornings.. Sure I will be sharing the space with the floral shop next door (they are using it for overflow storage) but it has tons of space and an bathroom! noe if only i could "borrow" some internet access so I can keep Oakley occupied while work...

Here are some pics i snapped when I went to check it out. they are rough.. very rough!

Once I get situated I'll post some pics!

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