
Wrapping up

Its been a spell since I have posted but its not for the lack of work, in fact I have been swamped and I am just now getting a chance to post about it. It has been a very busy last few weeks. Work, holidays and my husband wanting us to move into our little house before Christmas.. Did I mention its about 80% ready, ya. So I've been trying to figure out how to deal with that. When I say 80% I mean one of the 2 bathrooms is functional (well almost..), the laundry room still need to be finished (ya, I can't do laundry) every interior door needs to be hung,and a ton (like a TON) of finish work that still needs to be done. My husband wants me to start getting slipcovers and drapes and decor up, but I refuse to until the rest of the cabinet doors are hung and the paint buckets and tools are ALL out of the family room. Oh and new windows get installed.. The list goes on and on but never the less, here we are. Still in an adventure. But man oh man, the transformation is incredible!! And yes, I am gonna keep you waiting for pictures.. ha!

We had a great Christmas! Even if I had to do 8 loads of laundry at my moms house on Christmas day, but hey, it got done.. Plus we all got some new clothes, soo thats fired up! Here is my little family on Christmas day, in front of our little tree that got put up on Christmas Eve, whew! I did not think we'd make it.. and if you look behind the tree, you'll see a lovely collection of tools. Santa did not bring those.

Of all the goodies Santa left under the tree, the $2 umbrellas were the fav.. I may need to rethink my strategy next year.. all in all it was a fabulous Christmas! I hope yours was fantastic!

This is what I had to finish the week and half before Christmas. My cute client just moved here from the Bay area in June and needed a bunch of stuff done and of course I was happy to help! Here is a shot of her family and dining area. She wanted the green chair and a half, ottoman, floral sitting chair, parsons chairs and curtains made.

She wanted a french country vibe so we added pops of blues and red in to go with her rug, it all tied in pretty great but she said the next thing on her to-do list was painting the whole house.. Yikes! here are the before and afters of the furniture.
Chair 1 went from a shabby chic floral to a fun pop of blue and neutrals!

It just looks so bright and happy! This is the green chair and a half
The green toile was country and all, but lets face it, its not cutting it! So we slipcovered it an a neutral with a small cream floral print. It gives it a facelift and ties in with her curtains. She did not want to have the ottoman match so she is on a fabric hunt over the holiday break.
We also slipped her dining chairs. They were from down east (Pottery Barn parson chairs) and were just a plain beige before, nothing special, but boy did she amp it up with the fabric and trim she chose! I really love the red and robins egg blue combo and it looks fabulous in her home!I added a 4" band on the skirt to break up the pattern and tie it all together. I love how they turned out!

I made her a few pillows to throw on her white couch too!

She has not sent me a picture of her curtains yet, they were massive panels for the window behind the couch. I can't wait to see it all together! After the holiday we will be finishing up the ottoman and a bunch of pillows. But for now, this is what ya get!

I also did a glider for a lady out in CA. I get a lot of inquiries about this glider I did for a fabulous designer client's own nursery, pretty great, right?! Her glider was pretty old, but luck for me my mother-in-law had basically the same one! I was able to have her send me fabric and then fit my mil's chair. This is what it looked like on hers..
I love how it changes the look of it because lets be honest, gliders are just awful to look at! Now it looks a little more inviting plus, with kids you can just throw the whole thing in the wash if it gets dirty!

I am taking a break until January and trying to get my little house in order, well the best that I can for now. If you want anything slipcovered, feel free to contact me, I can put you on the list. I also have a few spot left in my January Slipcover workshop! If you can't make this one, don't worry, Ill do a few thru the year! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and will have a fabulous New Year!



I Today was going to be the "perfect" day! I had it aranged so that I could get mucho stuff done today.  Both kids dropped off at school. My kindergartener would go play with Her favorite Aunt and cousin after school.  Heck, she was even going to pick her up!  That means for me, I have from 8:45am till about 2:45pm to be as productive as an be!  Getting a morning ride on my horse, because the weather we are having is marvelous and I know the days are numbered...  Next, off the my work space to finish up a few projects and start more and then, start chipping away at the Christmas shopping.  Perfect day! 
But alas.. It was almost too perfect.  I got to about 11:00am on the schedule when I got a call from the school, my 2nd grader has a high fever and he does not feel good. So now, everything must wait! Luckily my little guy was just a little warm, nothing a soup and time with mom and a little snuggles can't fix;). These are the moments that as a mother, I would never trade!  Nothing is better than being needed by your children or loved ones! So today turned out to be not so "perfect", but absolutely positively PERFECT!

I am sure that yesterday's activities of hauling my poor kids around after school to do drop off and an outing at IKEA had nothing to do with his fever.  I am sure of it;) So here you are, #1... This cute little settee was a $45 find on ksl.  My client saw its potential, and not was she spot on!  Here is the before
Pretty cute! Well she washed up some natural linen, which I love and had me add a box pleat skirt to it to kick it up a notch!  I love how it turned out!  She was thrilled at the results as well.  So thrilled that she sent a picture to the lady she bought it from!!  
#2 on the list was dropping off 4 dining room seat cushion that I made for a client who bough a few of my chairs.  She wanted a white cushion with a gathered skirt and big fat ties.  I really love these seat cushions! 
Soo fun!  She moved her other chairs over by the fireplace, they look so good together!
#3 I also covered these two little ottomans for a cute friend!  She was ready for a change, and a change is what she got! Before
They look fantastic!  I ran Velcro under to keep them secure and now she can pop them off any time for a quick cleaning!

I am pretty h booked up they the first part of February, contact me if you are wanting to get on my schedule!  I still have a few spots left in my workshop for the end of January.  I hope you all are getting you shopping done, cause I sure am not!  Not at this rate anyways...


All ruffled up

So today is a very special day for our family, Laker, our oldest is getting baptized! I can't believe he is 8!! I feel really old... I am soo proud of him! He is such greta kid and a good example to his sister. Man, what would I do without him???

Ladies! watch out!!

On to slipcovers.. One of my clients contacted me about a chaise lounge and a little ottoman/stool for one of her clients bedroom. She found the chaise at a thrift store, but wanted it to be taller. She grabbed some bed risers that added another 5"-6" to the chaise! Bed risers are amazing, they can fix anything! She wanted the slipcover to have a nice full ruffled skirt, I was worried the fabric would not cooperate, it was embroidered. But no need to worry, it ruffled like a champ!! Here is the before

Id say she scored on this find! Especially now that its slipcovered... I did a 1" blind hem on the skirt and matched up all of the stripes! I really loved you it turned out. Its like its calling you to come on over and take a nap on it!

She had me do the same look on her little stool, and boy oh boy, I had not a swatch of fabric to spare!

I love how they both turned out! There is something about a good ruffled skirt that makes me happy!
I still have a few spot open for my Slipcover:101 class. Contact me if yo are wanting to come! It will be super fun and you'll walk away with a finished slipcover made by YOU! Plus you can come in your "comfy" clothes and 2nd or 3rd day hair, no judgement here..

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