
Spring has sprung

This next client contacted me a while back about getting her love seat slipcovered.  She lives in Manti and had fabric she had purchased years back that she wanted to use.  I just figured she had enough fabric, since she knew thats what she wanted to use.. Well the day she planned to drop of the love seat she sent me a quick text asking if she could switch pieces.. she had an amazing little white camel back love seat she bought at an estate sale.  Of course I said yes!
Camel backs are perfect candidates for slipcovers! I couldn't wait to get going on it.  When she dropped it off she said all she had was around 11 yards of fabric...eek! Since we were going to be short on fabric we came up with the idea of using a different fabric for the deck, back and underside of the cushion.  I sent her to Home Fabrics to see what she could find.  When I went to pick up her fabric from the store the next day I just about died!  She had found the exact same fabric she had purchased a few years back from the Midvale location, back she when it was called The $2 Fabric Store!  What are the odds! She also grabbed some other fabrics to have pillows made to go with it.

I tried to match the fabric as best as I could, even tough she grabbed a few more yards we had literally just enough fabric.  I had to match up the seams on the front, back and cushion, since the widths were wider thanks the fabric.  All in all I think it turned out pretty great!  We did a tailored skirt with piping. This morning when I was putting the pillows on the couch I had a few passerby's that stopped and knocked on the front window (remember, I work in a fish bowl..).  I let them in to see it and they just about died when I told them it was a slipcover!!  That is how I know my I've done my job..

Its just soo happy and perfect for spring!   When she came to pick it up she was soo happy with how it turned out.  So much that she is now on the hunt to find 2 chairs to have slipcovered to go with it! I can't wait to see what she finds!

Don't forget... I am teaching a fabulous Slipcover 101 Workshop!  

When: May 1-2nd
Time: 10am - 5/6pm both days
Where: My "Sweatshop" in Orem, Ut
Cost: $400

What do you need? A chair, fabric and sewing machine!

You will spend time with me and I'll show you how to make a slipcover from start to finish, and if we have time, some pillows WITH zippers.. Thats right, you will learn how to sew zippers.  Lunch will be provided both days and "comfy" clothes are a must!  I have 2 spots left, so hurry and contact me about joining the class!  Its going to be a lot of fun!  Plus, you get to take home a FINISHED project!

Or.. you can always have me make you slipcovers.  Spring is the perfect time to freshen up and brighten your home decor. So why not do the same for your furniture??!!  They will thank you!! Plus there are soo many fun fabric out right now.  Home Fabrics just got a new shipment of some pretty great stuff. I suggest you check it out!  I am now booking for May, contact to me to get on the schedule.  

P.S.  you could go from this...
 To "Holy crap!!!t This is soo much better!"...

Or from this..

 To, "Ahhh... Soo much brighter!!"

I am just saying.... Think about it!


The good. the bad. and the ugly

I am just gonna come out and say it now, this chaise I worked on this week kicked my trash!! Not because it was hard or I did not know how, but because it was a sneaky s.o.b...  Let me just show you my little lovely before

Cute little bugger, right? Don't be fooled!  This chaise was defeated by my clients dog (see the hole in the cushion).  Sure I felt sorry for it. Then it preyed on my weakness for it and smacked right in the face!!  My client bought some gray Sunbrella fabric because her dog liked to sit on it.  This fabric is actually great for that because you can wipe hair and basically anything right off.  Sunbrella fabric is great because it is not as stiff or slippery as other outdoor fabrics. I prepped the fabric and made the cushion all in about 2 hours.  I thought, man this one is gonna be a piece of cake! It must of read my mind..

I only really work 3 days a week for about 4 hours each day because I am mom and I get to run kids around and have kids come play, so when I work I make the most of my time.  I figured I could sew the body and attach the skirt on my next work day and be all wrapped up half way thru the week.  The pinning went super fast and in that moment of "saving time" I thought, hey, this bad bod does not really need a zipper, its symmetrical and popped right off.  Even better!  well folks, let me tell you.  the thought did pop in my head, "put a zipper in, you can never go wrong with a zipper", but I blew right thru that thought.  

You see, zippers allow the slipcovers to fit just right, and sometimes depending on the lines of the piece, you won't need a zipper.  After I attached the skirt I went joyfully skipping to the chaise to see how the finished product fit.  I figured it would take about 5 minutes, trim some string and Id be on my way.  umm. no.   I could not get the slipcover on!  Sometimes you just need to muscle them a little bit, but this one was mocking me!! It fit fine over the back and arms of the chair, but I could not get it to pull down over the front corners to save my life!  I work in a vacant retail space and do all my pinning in the front area with HUGE windows.. I can only image the entertainment the passer-byers had as I literally had my feet propped against the front of the chaise pulling back with all my mite to get the stupid thing to slide over! I was sweating to say the least!!  After 10 minutes of pulling and repositioning and trying to finagle the slipcover I caved. Did i mention the chaise is on wheels..

The chaise had won.  I took the walk of shame back to my sewing machine to unpick the stitch and the serge lines.  Its awful!! I luckily had just enough fabric to cut out the old back and pin in a new, bigger back WITH a zipper and another skirt panel.  You may ask, "how did this happen if the fitting went perfectly?"  Well my friends, it was a "barrel" back chaise, when you add piping and a skirt along the bottom line  it can cause the slipcover to "shrink" around the bottom, for lack of a better word... Most of the time the fabric will have enough stretch in it that you can pull it into place, but not this fabric.. Lesson learned!!   But the good news is, it turned out fabulous and the chaise and I are friends again. For now...

I kept the lines of the chaise the same and ran piping along the inside seams where there was no tuck-ins.  We kept the skirt the same to cover the wheels.  It turned out fantastic, but this one put up a fight!  Hats off to you "chaise lounge", I will forever be installing zippers in EVERYTHING!! I can only really be mad at myself.. On to the next one!

I have 2 spots open in April if you are wanting slipcovers made.  And yes, they will have a hidden zipper in the back!! Lol!  For the most part my slipcover process is super smooth and predictable, but every now and then you get the wild card!  I am glad it out of the way!! Fell free to contact me with any questions, I'd love to help!

I also have 2 spots left in my May 1-2nd Slipcover 101 Workshop  where I will be discussing issues like what I experienced today to save you the time and the trouble!

I figure if you can't laugh at your self when you make mistakes, you'll never learn!  I hope you all get a good laugh out of mine, I know I did. now...


Fancy, floral and free!

I am just dying over my this client I just did work for.  She is a doll!  She is in her 80's and shows no signs of slowing down!  I secretly want to be her when I am her age.  She had 2 love seats she wanted slipcovered and man oh man she was on the ball!  On the day of her fitting she had emails to write,  bust the chops of Comcast customer service for messing up her internet and aerobics to get too.  Oh how I love her!! She was so sweet and soo appreciative of me.. How could you not love her??  Here is a before shot of her pair of love seats..
The love seats were in great condition, the upholstery fabric was just "grabby".  She felt like they attracted dirt and were hard to keep clean when the great grandkids came to play.  So she picked up this great quilted floral fabric from Home Fabrics for her new slipcovers!

These slipcovers just scream"Happiness" to me!  The fabric colors worked perfect with the rest of her home and the fabric is super soft!  Its literally like sitting on a freshly washed quilt, begging you to curl up and enjoy it!  I kept all the lines the same, nice a traditional.  Its very traditional fabric, ya know..  This fabric shrunk quite a bit, but nothing a good iron could not fix.. My client was over the moon happy with the way they turned out.  That was my favorite part of the whole job!

I am working on a chaise and a few other odd and ends this week. I can't wait to post before and afters of it!

I currently have a few spots open in April for slipcovers.  Contact me to get on my list.  Also, I have 2 spots open in my Slipcover 101 Workshop.  Its going to be a blast so don't wait to sign up, spots will fill before you know it!


Spring Cleaning

So I am doing a little "Spring Cleaning" and I have a few pieces of super fantastic furniture that I need to clear out to make room for new stuff.. All these piece are at the Thanksgiving Point Emporium in Lehi, Ut.  You may remember a few of them from Swiss Days..

All pieces are BRAND NEW, not nasty used, furniture.  I am talking, had them made and wrapped  in muslin so they could be ready for slipcovers.  All slipcovers are removable and washable and will not shrink!  Bonus...

Item numero uno...

Grey and White ticking stripe sofa.
Was $2649. Now $1600 

I love LOVE this couch and would keep it for myself, but I literally have NO room for it in my little "fixer upper".  It is comparable to the Hugo Sofa at Layla Grayce.  Accept that its not $3100!! Its super comfy and the perfect size sofa for a family room or basement. This my friends is a killer deal!

Item numero dos...

Blue and neutral print settee.
Was $1549.  Now $899

This darling little settee has the cutest lines and legs! This little gem would be great in a sitting room, master bed room or nook for reading.  Plus the navy is soo hot right now! This piece goes well with grays and beiges... so you can't go wrong..  

Item numero tres

Blue floral wingback chiar
Was $999. Now $699

This is my favorite! I love the shape of this chair and I love the fabric its slipcovered in.  I have one ready for pick up at Thanksgiving Point and if needed, and can order a matching chair to complete the pair for an additional $699!  These chairs are perfect accent chairs, living room chairs and even dining room chairs!  Comparable to the Brookside Chair at Layla Grayce but a fraction of the price.

Item numero quatro

Grey and white damask wingback chair
Was $999. Now $699

Once again... my favorite chair, different slipcover.  I have 2 available but they are not located at Thanksgiving Point.  Contact me for more info.  These chairs are perfect accent chairs, living room chairs and even dining room chairs!  Comparable to the Brookside Chair at Layla Grayce but a fraction of the price.

I need to make room for new stuff, so you are getting some pretty awesome furniture for a killer price!  Feel free to check them out at Thanksgiving Point's Emporium or contact me for more details!  You'll thanks me later!  If you are loving the furniture, but not the fabric, no problem!  Contact me about getting custom slipcovers made for any of them. **price may vary depending on fabric choice**

**Side Note** I have 3 spots left in my May 1-2 Slipcover: 101 Workshop.  Its gonna be a blast, so you better reserve your spot now.  Who knows, you may just love it as much as I do:)

If you are not wanting to learn how to make your own slipcovers I am happy to make them for you!  I have 2 spots in April, contact me to get on my list.

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