
Spring has sprung

This next client contacted me a while back about getting her love seat slipcovered.  She lives in Manti and had fabric she had purchased years back that she wanted to use.  I just figured she had enough fabric, since she knew thats what she wanted to use.. Well the day she planned to drop of the love seat she sent me a quick text asking if she could switch pieces.. she had an amazing little white camel back love seat she bought at an estate sale.  Of course I said yes!
Camel backs are perfect candidates for slipcovers! I couldn't wait to get going on it.  When she dropped it off she said all she had was around 11 yards of fabric...eek! Since we were going to be short on fabric we came up with the idea of using a different fabric for the deck, back and underside of the cushion.  I sent her to Home Fabrics to see what she could find.  When I went to pick up her fabric from the store the next day I just about died!  She had found the exact same fabric she had purchased a few years back from the Midvale location, back she when it was called The $2 Fabric Store!  What are the odds! She also grabbed some other fabrics to have pillows made to go with it.

I tried to match the fabric as best as I could, even tough she grabbed a few more yards we had literally just enough fabric.  I had to match up the seams on the front, back and cushion, since the widths were wider thanks the fabric.  All in all I think it turned out pretty great!  We did a tailored skirt with piping. This morning when I was putting the pillows on the couch I had a few passerby's that stopped and knocked on the front window (remember, I work in a fish bowl..).  I let them in to see it and they just about died when I told them it was a slipcover!!  That is how I know my I've done my job..

Its just soo happy and perfect for spring!   When she came to pick it up she was soo happy with how it turned out.  So much that she is now on the hunt to find 2 chairs to have slipcovered to go with it! I can't wait to see what she finds!

Don't forget... I am teaching a fabulous Slipcover 101 Workshop!  

When: May 1-2nd
Time: 10am - 5/6pm both days
Where: My "Sweatshop" in Orem, Ut
Cost: $400

What do you need? A chair, fabric and sewing machine!

You will spend time with me and I'll show you how to make a slipcover from start to finish, and if we have time, some pillows WITH zippers.. Thats right, you will learn how to sew zippers.  Lunch will be provided both days and "comfy" clothes are a must!  I have 2 spots left, so hurry and contact me about joining the class!  Its going to be a lot of fun!  Plus, you get to take home a FINISHED project!

Or.. you can always have me make you slipcovers.  Spring is the perfect time to freshen up and brighten your home decor. So why not do the same for your furniture??!!  They will thank you!! Plus there are soo many fun fabric out right now.  Home Fabrics just got a new shipment of some pretty great stuff. I suggest you check it out!  I am now booking for May, contact to me to get on the schedule.  

P.S.  you could go from this...
 To "Holy crap!!!t This is soo much better!"...

Or from this..

 To, "Ahhh... Soo much brighter!!"

I am just saying.... Think about it!

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