
Better After!

My Slipcover Workshop is tomorrow and I cannot wait to hang out with my cute ladies!  We are gonna have a blast! In the meantime.. Ive been sewing like a mad women to get stuff finished before my class this weekend.  And cleaning the old sweat shop!  seriously... It was time.. Thanks to my bestie Carrie I was able to get it done in no time!  She is one bad a$# chick that just knows how to get stuff done! Id be lost with out her.

Today I was featured on Better After!  I love her blog, it is soo fun to see what people can create from pretty fugly stuff!  Not even joking.  You should follow her, plus her writing is hilarious!

I hope you all are enjoying the weather, I know I try.. when I am not slipcovering the world one chair, couch and window seat bench at a time.. Thats literally what it feels like right now.. I am hoping I can survive the next month.


Different, yet same..

Happy Saturday to my 4 followers!  I hope you are enjoying yours as much as I am enjoying mine!  I kicked off the weekend by riding in the Clayton Martin Clinic at the barn Friday morning and again this morning.  I love when he comes to town, I feel like we have eye opening moments that help me and my horses' progression in our training!  I know, this sounds like spanish to most, but I had 2 really great rides and I am feeling on top of the world! This is where my husband would roll his eyes... but hey, he supports me so that is all I could ask for...right?  This is my heaven when I am not with my family! I am a victim of loving a "rich man's sport" on a "poor man's budget"...my fellow horse people will know what I am talking about... lol!

On to business...
I am getting really excited for my Slipcover 101 Workshop next week!  I had one spot come available   so if you think you can get fabric and a chair together by Friday morning, let me know.. I'd love to have one you join the class! It going to be a lot of fun and you'll get to take home a finished project! Even better! Plus I have met a few of my ladies and they are amazing!!

This week I had 2 different clients with 2 different chairs, but they went with the same cotton print! Well.. sort of.. same print, different colors.  I am loving this print they picked and I better, I picked up 20 yards for pillows and a pair of chairs I'll be slipcovering for Swiss Days!

First up, this chair..

It has a great shape and the legs are pretty great!  My client did not really care what kind of skirt we did, which  I loved because I could add a 2" knife pleat to it.  I loved how it turned out and so did my client!

Its such great print and with this soft neutral color it mellows it down quit a bit!  The skirt dolls up the shape of the chair too!  This fabric was so great to work with, which was good, because I had another chair to do out of the blue version of it! Plus it has a "slubby" texture to it which I love!

This is the other chair I worked on this week..  I feel like this chair would belong amongst Ron Burgundy's flute collection.  It has a very "regal" appearance...

Its super curvy and just screams formal!!  Well, my friends, I changed all that!  Now check out this bad boy with a more happy and inviting look.  I kept all the lines the same as well as leaving off a skirt.

I just love LOVE the after of this chair!  It couldn't have turned out better!  It makes me excited for the yellow version!! I can't wait for my client to see it in person!  

Its amazing what a change in fabric will do to the look of a chair.  Both fabrics were purchased at Home Fabrics and I believe they still have some left...just saying.. Here is a teaser for ya.

Its pretty great!  I also wanted to remind you that I have this darling settee still available.. It can be seen at the Thanksgiving Point Emporium in Lehi.  $899 for Settee with removable and washable custom fitted slipcover!

Enjoy the rest of your saturday!!


Heavy on the starch please

Yesterday I dropped off a finished slipcovers to a darling client of mine.  When she contacted me about slipcovering her settee she already had her fabric washed and ready to go.  In fact she brought me everything the next day!  I am always happy to squeeze people in that are ready to go! When i went to her house to fit her settee she had already slipcovered to big ottomans in her front room out of the same fabric.  What a go getter!!  She did not want to tackle the settee, hence the reason she called me.  Here is what her settee looked like before:

She wanted to add a 1" pleated skirt that started where the original fabric ended, to match her ottomans.  she chose a red and tan sear sucker (minus the pucker) fabric that was awesome!  It reminded me of some of my dad's dress shirts he wears to work.  He loves a good "heavy on the starch" shirt from the dry cleaners.  I always wanted to break the seal on the front pocket, but that was the part he loved the most! A nice crisp shirt!  Sure Id imagine that much starch was like wearing a cardboard box but my favorite thing to do was break that seal when the shirts went back into the "dry cleaning" pile.. It so funny what your remember as a kid. Anyways, back to the point..  Here is the after:

She was so happy with how they turned out! And how fast I was able to get it done.  We ran the stripe on the skirt the opposite way of the body and cushion to match the skirts on her ottomans.  I really like how it breaks up the stripe and gives it a bit of interest.  I also made her a new couch cushion cover for her cool antique couch but she was not ready to put it on yet.  Her whole front room now feels soo cheery!

Here is another project I have been working on the side..

How great are these??  Thanksgiving Point is having me make a bunch of these to give to every Bride and groom that books a wedding with them this year!  They are Euro sized pillows WITH down inserts!  They turned out far better than I could have imagined!  I have another batch to start in a week or so and Ive had a lot of interest in them for wedding gifts.  They are printed on a nice heavy off white twill cotton with black printing and the finished size is 24"x24".  Contact me if you want a set.  $65 for the pair of covers or $100 for the covers WITH down inserts.  Not a bad way to make yourself look like the "wedding gift giver" hero! 

On to another project I've got going... its that time again to start gearing up for Swiss Days.. I have been collecting fabrics for pillows and chairs and I need your help!

Which fabric do you like for a pair of chairs???

#1 - Taupeish grey and soft white ikat

#2 - faded grey linen textured floral with greens and oranges

I love them both soo much but I can't decide! Soo.. I want to hear what you think!

 I hope you all enjoy your saturday, I know I will...after I clean the house and go grocery shopping.. Wish me luck at Costco...yikes!



I love a good 80's movie!  Who doesn't? And this one takes the cake..

"Bueller... Bueller.... Bueller..." Classic!  Now its my turn to do roll call.  One of the cute gals that signed up for my Slipcover: 101 Workshop May 1-2nd had to cancel, so, that means there is still 1 spot available!!!  "Anyone...Anyone... Anyone..."

Its going to be a lot of fun!  Even tho its just 2.5 weeks away you still have time to find fabric and a chair!  You won't want to miss it!  Plus, who wouldn't want to have the chance to spend 2 wonderfully filled days with yours truly turning something "fugly" in to down right fancy!!!!  

See here. Fugly.
(Sorry Jess.. but you'd agree.  They were FUGLY!!)

 But wait, don't feel bad for them cause now they are fancy!!!

Contact me to fill that last spot!  You know you want too...


Just a spoon full of sugar..

Here is the follow up post about my darling client who brought me a few pieces last week to slipcover.. Her wing back chairs turned out quite fabulous!

She died when she saw them!  But I never showed you the "Mary Poppins carpet bag" settee she brought me..  She picked it up on KSL for $65!!  It is darling, minus the fabric.. I am not lying, see for your self!
Its pretty..."formal" and inviting if you are interested in eating brunch in the garden.. It even has a Mary Poppins umbrella on the print!!  Well, all it takes is a "spoon full of sugar" to help stomach this carpet bag fabric!  But, luckily my client could see past that, she grabbed a really nice heavy cotton weaved fabric from Home Fabrics in a nice neutral color to tame this baby down!  We kept the lines the same but added a box skirt.  and just like that, BOOM!  Its updated and fancy as ever!

The fabric was awesome to work with!  I wanted to curl up in and take a nap in the corner, but don't worry, I did no such thing!  I actually busted this bad boy out in 1 day!  Home Fabrics has this fabric in white as well and yo can order it any time!  It brought just enough texture in to give it some interest instead of being a flat cotton.  I love it!!  She loved it!

Home Fabrics is having a 30% of sale right now that goes thru May on some of their expensive re-oderables, so if you are wanting to throw some fancy in the mix with pillows, you should go check out what they have!  There were a few "metallic" velvets that caught my eye.. I may have to get a few yards for Swiss Day pillows...

I am happy to report that my Slipcover 101 Workshop is now full!  I can't wait to teach these fine ladies how to slipcover stuff and hang out with them for 2 days, its going to be a blast!! I am going to be teaching another class in the fall, but the date has yet to be decided..

If you are wanting stuff slipcovered I am booking for June!  I am only taking clients up till about the 2nd or 3rd week in July and then I am taking a few weeks off.  So if you have something you want done before then let me know so I can get you on the schedule!


Bring it on

I hope you all enjoyed your Easter Weekend, I know we did!  We got to watch Conference, hang out with family and enjoy a 12lb Honey Baked Ham!!  And the left overs... how glorious are they?  I don't think we will be heading any warm warm for this holiday.. My husband and I are both swamped with work and I have appeared to aged at a rapid rate when it comes to traveling.. We thought about heading to St. George this week to visit friends and spend time together, but then I remembered how much I hate making that drive in holiday traffic! I've Aged.... and all my kids friends are in school this week.  Totally overthinking this.. but at the same time we are perfectly content staying here. So, we shall see what happens...

I had the chance to work on some really fun wingback chairs last week.  My client found these chairs for a steal on KSL..

She has just moved into a new home and is doing some fun things!  A painted piano, wall tiles, and color!  I can't wait to see these chairs in her home!  She chose a very  happy fabric form Home Fabrics for these chairs and I love how they turned out!  Her family thought she was nuts for paying to have slipcovers made, they said they have never seen "good" slipcover...  Oh no they didn't! yes they did.  Well... Challenge excepted.  We did a traditional box skirt on the chair but left all the lines the same.  I don't know about you but I think I nailed it!

What do you know about that?!  I sent my client a sneak peek of the chairs and she was completely amazed!!  I can't wait to hear her family's reaction to them.  Boom! She also picked up this "lovely" farm-scape "carpet bag" settee on KSL for $65 and brought it to me to slipcover as well.. I can't stress enough how great KSL is!  Some people really don't know what they have.. and yes, I take advantage of that!
She bought a "reorder-able" fabric from Home Fabrics that will look so great on it!  Its a great neutral color and has a really nice texture and weave to it and will go great with the chairs.  But your gonna have to wait to see the after... because i may or may not be finished with it yet.

Just a little reminder...
I have 1 spot open in my Slipcover Workshop May 1-2nd, where you can learn how to slipcover your chairs and take them from drab to fab! Its gonna be great!

If you are wanting to have me make slipcovers for you because making your own slipcovers sounds terrifying, I have 2 spots open in May.  Contact me to get on the schedule.

I hope you all have a joyous spring break with your kiddos and please, try not to go crazy before the week is up.. I am keeping my fingers crossed for myself.  This was the wrong time of the year to stop drinking that beautiful "Coke with a lime" cold turkey... 


"reading chair"

I love a good oversized chair!  Perfect for curling up and reading a book... Who am I kidding.  I am not a big reader, but I do love watching some good trash t.v. And this chair screams "sit on me and watch some reality t.v.!"  This particular chair and ottoman were in perfect shape, it was just in need of a little fabric update..

I kept the lines of the slipcover the same as the chair.  My client bought a nice heavy chenille fabric that is super soft!!  Perfect for watching those t.v. shows.  I mean books... Reading those many many books!

I love how the fabric changes this from a "loud" floral chair to a nice soft neutral chair, perfect for any room in the house.  Slipcovers are pretty great for that!!

Just a few notes...

#1 - Thanksgiving Point Emporium is have their Spring sale going on this weekend.  That means 30% off the ticket retail price!!  I still have a few piece there and yes, they will be in the sale too!

I have this awesome grey ticking stripe couch.

This fabulous wing chair! (another is available to complete the pair upon request)

Awesome navy and natural Settee with great lines!
If you are loving the furniture and not so much the fabric, let me know.  I can help with that.
So go and check out what they have!  You won't want to miss it!

I also have a pair of these left. They are great for accent chairs or Head chairs for any ding room table.  They have a higher back and are extremely comfortable!

Contact me for more info!

#2  I have 1 spot left in my Slipcover 101 Workshop going on May 1-2nd!  I have a great group of ladies coming and have room for 1 more!

#3  If you have something you want slipcovered I have 3 spots open in May.  Contact me to get on my schedule and let me know if you have any questions at all!!

** Just an FYI... I will be taking some time off this summer and will be taking clients up until the second week in July and then will resume middle of August.  So...if you are wanting slipcovers made this summer you better get on the schedule now!

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