
Just a spoon full of sugar..

Here is the follow up post about my darling client who brought me a few pieces last week to slipcover.. Her wing back chairs turned out quite fabulous!

She died when she saw them!  But I never showed you the "Mary Poppins carpet bag" settee she brought me..  She picked it up on KSL for $65!!  It is darling, minus the fabric.. I am not lying, see for your self!
Its pretty..."formal" and inviting if you are interested in eating brunch in the garden.. It even has a Mary Poppins umbrella on the print!!  Well, all it takes is a "spoon full of sugar" to help stomach this carpet bag fabric!  But, luckily my client could see past that, she grabbed a really nice heavy cotton weaved fabric from Home Fabrics in a nice neutral color to tame this baby down!  We kept the lines the same but added a box skirt.  and just like that, BOOM!  Its updated and fancy as ever!

The fabric was awesome to work with!  I wanted to curl up in and take a nap in the corner, but don't worry, I did no such thing!  I actually busted this bad boy out in 1 day!  Home Fabrics has this fabric in white as well and yo can order it any time!  It brought just enough texture in to give it some interest instead of being a flat cotton.  I love it!!  She loved it!

Home Fabrics is having a 30% of sale right now that goes thru May on some of their expensive re-oderables, so if you are wanting to throw some fancy in the mix with pillows, you should go check out what they have!  There were a few "metallic" velvets that caught my eye.. I may have to get a few yards for Swiss Day pillows...

I am happy to report that my Slipcover 101 Workshop is now full!  I can't wait to teach these fine ladies how to slipcover stuff and hang out with them for 2 days, its going to be a blast!! I am going to be teaching another class in the fall, but the date has yet to be decided..

If you are wanting stuff slipcovered I am booking for June!  I am only taking clients up till about the 2nd or 3rd week in July and then I am taking a few weeks off.  So if you have something you want done before then let me know so I can get you on the schedule!

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