
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy turkey day! I hope everyone has a fantastic day with family and loved ones, I know I will! I am super thankful for my little family and all of our many adventures!

We may be a bunch of nerds, but they are my nerds!

Yesterday I had a client come pic up her pair of wingback chairs and ottoman from my workshop. She lives in Roy but her daughter commutes to Spanish Fork every other week for work. So we arranged the drop and pick up around her schedule. I had never met my client in person, just thru email. When I met her yesterday I just fell in love with her!! For the short time that we met she was a hoot and you can tell that she and her daughter have a lot of fun! She had sent her daughter with down with one of the chairs, ottoman and fabric. When I started on it I was hoping that she had enough fabric. We never discussed it, all she said was she has fabric ready to go. Well she had 3 12x24 drop clothes and let me tell you, I used every last inch of it for her slipcovers! Talk about a Thanksgiving Day miracle! Here is one of the chairs before:

She wanted a simple box skirt that hung about 1-2 inched off the ground. It turned out quite excellent! her daughter said that the chairs had been reupholstered but they were not matching fabric wise.. Now she'll have a nice matching set with an ottoman! You can't go wrong with good old drop cloth!

My client absolutely loved them!!

Also, I am teaching a Slipcover 101 Workshop January 30-31, 2015! I have 3 spots available! You will be learning how to make a slipcover for your own chair from start to finish! If you are wanting to do it but don't have a piece of furniture, go check out your local thrift store, they always have something and for cheap!! The cost of the class is $500 per person, it includes lunch both days and a kit to help you make slipcovers! Contact me for more info! I can't wait! Ladies, tell your husbands its a great Christmas gift...


Drum roll please......

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and now I actually have the space to do it.

Soo... I am happy to announce that I will be holding a Slipcover Workshop January 30-31, 2015. I have enough space for 4, thats right, 4 people who want to spend 2 days with me learning the basics of slipcovering! Grab a friend, a chair, some fabric and your sewing machine and come hang out with me in my ghetto fabulous work room where I will teach you the basics of slipcovering and show you the process from start to finish on your own piece of furniture! The cost of the work shop is $500 per person. Keep in mind that you need to have some basic sewing skills and know how to use your sewing machine. We are going knock out a completed slipcover for your chair in 2 days!

Contact me if you want a spot! I will email you more information as well as what items will be provided for you during the workshop.

I will hold one class each month with 4 spots in each workshop. I am super excited about this and can't wait to get started!


its about time!

So this post is about an awesome client of mine! She had a great little sectional that had been slipcovered, but her kids had really "worn" it down, like to the threads. It was in need of a makeover to say the least. She contacted me back in February of this year while I was still in St. George. She knew she wanted it done, but could not decide on fabric. time went on. I'd get random texts about what fabric to get, and sometimes while I was out sourcing fabric I'd send her pics, but nothing really worked for her. She wanted something with texture that would be washable and super durable. We were striking out left and right! Fast forward to October. She found fabric!! Sweet! But one problem. The fabric store had limited yardage and she really wanted a pleated skirt. After going back and forth she decided to get the fabric and ditch the skirt. Problem solved. well... almost. I knew we were going to be super tight on fabric so she decided to change up the piping on the cushions and leave the couch trim the same as the main fabric. Now I was ready to rock and roll! Here is her before picture of the sectional..

Here is the after! We got rid of the skirt and still made it functional with the sleeper bed inside. She found a fabric for the cushion piping to coordinate with the rest of the fabric, which happened to be the "wrong" side of the fabric. The colors were a perfect match! Sometimes thinking outside of the box pays off big time! here is the after. Just a note..I hate that it gets dark early and it makes my horrible photo skill look even worse.. ugh!!!

The new slipcover really cleans up the look of the couch. We went with a pillow style cushion for the back cushions and tightened everything up.. It looks soo fresh and clean and it only took us 9 months to get it one...lo1!

I finally have some stuff up in my etsy shop and if you are local you can see it all at the Thanksgiving Point Emporium! I am working on a few chairs and a chaise this week. Its amazing how time flies when you get busy... Pretty soon its going to be New Years!! and yes, we are still not in our little house... But I am hanging in there!


It's go time!

So I have been playing catch up now that I have a place to work out of.. Like working like a crazy lady catch-up.. Its a good thing I love making slipcovers! So in 4 days I managed to make and sew a sectional and cushions, some wingback cushions and make slipcovers for a pair of wingback chairs a client purchased from me! Seriously! I was able to drop off the wingback chairs tonight and boy was my client thrilled! Remember this little story.. well, I am happy to report that my client was able to get her matching chairs and is happy as can be! My client is a retired interior designer from California. She wanted this chair from the second she saw it but was a little too late at "claiming" it hers. So I was able to make her a pair of them to go at each end of her kitchen table. Here they are! She had all of her Christmas decor out ready for the season. Her home had a european country vibe to it, lots of pale yellows, whites and treys injected with blues here and there as well as some rustic pieces to give it a more worn feeling. I love how the chairs pop at the heads of the table! **Forgive the horrible quality photos, it was night, she had her Christmas decor lit and it was dark in the room... agh! But still this will give you an idea..

Here are a few shots with the flash on..

I wish I could have dropped them off in the day to get better pics, but hey.. beggars can't be choosers! She was beyond thrilled about how her chairs turned out! She sent me away with her dining room chair cushions and bar stool cushions because she wanted me to make coordinates to go with her new chairs!

I also made a few seat cushions for a friend that tackled reupholstered her wing back chairs. I love it when people get ambitious and tackle that kind of project! She ran out of steam when it came to the cushions.. Um... I may have a crush on her fabric!!

I am hoping that Home Fabrics gets another shipment of this cause it is amazing!!! and lastly I finished up a sectional but you won't see this one till the end of the week after I am able to drop it off. I can't wait to see how it turned out, we got creative, to say the least. I have a few more pieces of furniture that I will be putting in my easy shop (ya, I know, I have an easy shop that has sat empty for like, forever!) so stay tuned!!!! I am also booking for January 2015. Where has the time gone!? And no, we are still not in our house yet. Pray for me!!!

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