
Spring Break

I don't know about you but Spring Break has kicked my trash! And my slipcover grove!  Oh well.. what can you do?!  I wanted to post really quick about the stuff I dropped off last week.  My client found me at Swiss Days last year and had me do about half the furniture in her house all at once.  She had a fun stash of fabric she has collected over the years, and some is from her travels abroad.  So we were able to get a little creative in putting one of her couch slipcovers together.  Here is the before... yes it is pieced together as well, but the wear from the sun and the dogs was taking a toll..
Its funny because the whole family acknowledged that this is the "dogs" couch!  Id have to agree...   The dogs were not to fond of me "messing up" their couch while i was fitting it.. but look how great it looks with a bright new happy slipcover!

I ordered her new cushions for the back of the couch, the dogs have had their way with them and there was NO saving them! We used 6 different fabrics for her couch and I love how the combination turned out!  I am pretty sure the dogs approve..

Her next piece was a sleeper sofa she picked up at Crazy Charlies..the most amazing furniture store ever! She scored this couch for super cheap and its not one of those uncomfortable sleeper sofas, this thing is legit!  the couch unfolds to memory foam and there is NO bar!!  ya... amazing! As for the slipcovering part goes.. I had to really think on this one.. it has moving parts and that always makes for a great challenge. Here is the before
Did i mention this sucker is HEAVY?!  I got it out far enough from the wall that I could squeeze back there and fit it, but man oh man, it stays where it lays my friends!  She picked 3 different fabrics for this one, but the lighting was really tuff in here so you probably won't be able to tell any difference.  She did not have enough of the one she loved so we added in a few more to make it work.  The arm fronts and the boxing on the cushions are out of a stripe and the back of the cushions are out of a brown that didn't quite match the main fabric on the body or the arms... So naturally, you hide the uglier fabric.. She said, it not me... lol! I was able to make the slipcover in 3 pieces so that she does not have to remove it every time she uses it.  The back of the couch and the arms are 1 piece, the front is one piece and the back behind the cushions is one piece.  I am not gonna lie, I was a little worried on this one but it turned out perfect!

It turned out better than I expected and she was thrilled that she did not have to take it on and off every time she used it!  I consider that a win..

While at Crazy Charlies she found a swivel chair that she had to have.. and I can't blame her.. remember.."cat lady" of furniture..
She was hoping for a pair but at the time they only had 1.  But lucky for her another client of mine picked up a few and then decided not to use them so.. she scored another one.  Now she just needs to find fabric.  She picked a fun cotton print for this one and look and great it looks!

I had just enough fabric to make the slipcover so I tried to keep the print centered and use the medallion as the focal point.. I matched the fabric where it was seen the most..  She LOVED how this turned out and is extremely excited that she will soon have another one!

The last thing she had me do was a pair of chairs with a matching ottoman.  The fabric she chose was a little tricky... it was a micro suede but it did not have much stretch at all.. She decided that these slipcovers will stay on so she doesn't have to take them off.. lol!  She scored this set at a consignment store in Provo.. she did well!
Here is the after!

Even tho they were a pain to sew, they turned out great and are super comfy!  She was soo happy with how everything turned out that when she was writing out my check she said, "I am not even cringing at writing this check!"  Thats when you know you have a happy client!  She is having me do a few more projects for her so stay tuned!

As for Spring Break.. I had plans to get a ton of stuff done because my work room is piling up... yikes!  but sometimes you just need to walk away and start again when kids are back in school.. So, we decided to make a quick St. George run with a couple of our friends and their kids.  We had a blast!  Even tho it was quick, we were there long enough to get a sun tan, play on the rocks, let the "big boys" golf and play some wicked games of speed at the park!  It was much needed!

 Yes... these all kids belonged to us...

 Great minds think alike!

The girls were largely outnumbered by the boys, but we didn't care!  This was  a trip for the books!

My schedule is filling up and I am starting to book for June.  Summer gets a little crazy so if you are wanting something done, you better let me know now! I am also finalizing my date for my Slipcover 101 workshop!  I am only doing 1 this year so let me know if you are wanting in.  I have 2 spots open!

Enjoy the rest of your spring break!

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