Celestial Glory

So this client of mine found the gem of all gems! can you guess where these chairs came from?
I'll give you a hint...I was nervous to strip them because I thought I would be struck by lightning...lol! They came from the Idaho Falls LDS Temple! I have to admit, there have been many a time I have found myself examining furniture when I am at the temple, but never did I think I would have a pair to "re-do". Hey the LDS Church does not mess around when it comes to furnishing their temples, so you can imagine that these chairs are in pretty much perfect condition! All my client wanted to do was give the fabric an update, and that she did! She had an awesome cream matelesse fabric with a small geometric pattern to it. Beautiful!! The chairs turned out great and I am still standing in one piece...
Also I just got me some new business cards thanks to the very sweet and talented Alexi Bullock! Did i mention that she designed my oh so great blog?? well she did and she just got back from doing a summer internship in NYC with the only person who could make "Jail time" fabulous...The one and only Martha Stewart! She is amazing, so you should check out her website and see if she can help you out! I just love my new cards!!!
Now I am frantically packing so we can head off to lake powell for a solid week of bliss... i still have a few spot open in october, so feel free to send me an email to get on my schedule and Ill get back with you when i return!

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