
Pray for me!!!

Soo... The next 3 weeks are going to be some of the craziest weeks our little family has seen a long while. We sold our house and will be closing August 1st. I hesitated to post anything for a while, because the last time we had our house under contract it fell thru...so this time we were tight lipped. well today I got my confirmation to start the packing! Now some of you are probably thinking.. why is she begins soo dramatic?

I have 3 weeks. Well, around here when it rains it pours! You see, next week we will be leaving for a the whole week for the Mortensen Family reunion. This reunion has been in the making for 3 years! All of my husbands family (parents, 10 siblings plus kids, 62 people in all) will be together! So fun, but we have to prepare all the food.. yikes! But luckily i got the shopping done for my part today. So I can check that off the list.. Then we leave the following wednesday for my family reunion for half the week... Are you flowing me?

So as of right now that gives me a total of 9 packing days. but wait! there is more.. I am going to St George with the girls in my family to see Mary Poppins on Aug 1st.. Closing day. Again, has been in the works for a while and there is no turning back now! And to top it all off, the rental we were planning on may not work out, but we wont know until next week.. while we are gone.. So we may just end up pulling a "Cousin Eddie" living in "Old Besty" our tent trailer at an unsuspecting realtives front yard...

So there you have it! What are our plans?? we want to build, but first things first, we need to find a place to live in the mean time! AHHHH!

Ok, enough of my blabbering.. lets get down to business! One of my "horse" friends whom I have know since I was 13 sent me a chair in need of some TLC. YOu see, another one of my "horse" friends from the same barn is having me makes some sweet a%$ curtains and window benches for her new house and to my surprise brought a stow away with her when she dropped off her fabric.. Here is the culprit..

This chair and ottoman were pretty great! But you see my friend it belongs to has no business being in a fabric store..let alone picking fabric! She wanted something to go with her couches, which are a neutral brown with maroon throw pillows. But I refused to let her go with another neutral color...And since I was picking her fabric, she had no choice! I did find a print that hit all of her colors, but with more punch...

Pretty great!? I can't wait for her to see them in person! I also knocked out a few pillows for another clients. She picked a really great heavy stripe fabric. Love them!!

So It is safe to say that I will be taking a break till we have a place to live... Most likely mid August, unless we are seriously living out of a trailer...So please...PRAY FOR ME!!!!

But if y our lucky, I may document this chaos and post it here to keep me from the looney bin...


  1. prayers coming your way, yikes that is a whole lot ofexexcitement going on in a short period of time. drop your kiddos off with me at the pool if you need a break.

  2. KATIE----That chair turned out AMAZING! Great job! Just remember the saying "and it came to pass"---everything always works out---just breathe and take it a day at a time.


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