
Survival mode...

School is out!  can i get a hallelujah?! and "oh crap, what now!"  School getting out is a bitter sweet moment!  No more homework, projects tests, but now a new challenge is on..  the question, "what are we gonna do today??  Well, I am prepared this year!  We have summer camps booked, pool passes bought and sports..  That should tie us over till mid July... No  in all seriousness I love this time of year and now that the sun has come out I can't wait to get going!  Plus today of all days is my little red head's 6th birthday!! My baby is 6 years old today!  Time flies... too fast.

 Oh I just love her to pieces!!! she is the best sister, helper and side kick I could ever ask for!! Plus she has her mamas sass... Happy Birthday Oakley!!!

the last few weeks I have felt like I have been running around with my head cut off!  But last night i was able to finish up my deadline that was a doozy!  And it feels oh, soo good!  I am dropping it off tomorrow so I'll sang some pictures then, but just to hold you over here is a little sneak peek..

Oh I can't wait to show them in their new home!!  I also finally had a chance to work on these little bittys...
How great are these little slipper chairs that rock and swivel?!  amazing!  I have a thing for swivel rockers.. you can never, NEVER go wrong..and she picked the funnest fabric for them!  We kept the lines the same as well as the box skirt.  I am beyond thrilled with how they look now!

I love them and I love this fabric!  So bright and happy and fun!  I am gonna have to go pick some up for pillows for Swiss Days this year!  Everyone needs a little floral in their life, right?!  

Now that life is getting back to normal I have just 1 spot open in June and 1-2 spots open in July.  If you are wanting something ugly made into something fabulous give me a holler!! I'd love to help you out!!

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